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File: 1608528376213.png ( 436.49 KB , 947x631 , 5127ea24fe5f27f64f6945b23b….png )


I've heard the May '68 failure characterized as being due to a conflict between the PCF and the students themselves. I haven't finished reading PDF related (below) but so far it seems to support this, being from the perspective of the students and, as you would expect, laying the blame on the PCF as well as heaping them with epithets (comparing them to liberals, for example). So my questions here are:

&lt1. Is this book known to anyone? If not, does it look like a decent primary source from the students' point of view?
&lt2. Does anyone have anything more sympathetic to the PCF that could balance it out? Or even something more neutral to both sides?

Thx anons


The PCF and CGT told the wildcat strikers to go back to work because they thought they would win the election, they sabotaged the whole thing for their own bourgeois political gain only to be BTFOd by Gualle in the actual elections. You can't balance out betrayal.


OP here, sorry that I never posted the file. I forgot TOR users can't post files. The book is Worker-Student Action Committees by Gregoire and Perlman, probably can be found on Google.

I didn't clarify that I wasn't implying the PCF couldn't be in the wrong. Do you have a good book on it? Do you think the book I mentioned is good? It's short af so I'll probably just read it anyway.

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