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What is your process?
Do you use reading charts?
Do you decide based on Recommendations?
Aside from the obvious Leftist ones, which are the good and which are the bad Publishers?


I usually go to used bookstores to find stuff. If online, I use Amazon. It's pretty good for finding related books, even if you decide to not buy from there although I often do.


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/lit/ memes and whatever I hear enough in the zeitgeist of our culture. Like, infinite jest is both a meme but also reverberates through the more thoughtful genx'ers. The western cannon etc. I think material analysis aside there's plenty of great fiction and nonfiction out there that helps one become more cultured and aware, even if it doesn't arise out of leftism.


Well when I had to start somewhere it was lists and recs from boards. Like one time I came across a quote from Hesse's Siddhartha on 420ch and ended up reading a bunch of his work. Or I'd visit what I've heard is canon/classic, so I did that and would then see where the text ramifies out to, like contemporaneous or within the same nation (e.g. enjoyed Dostoyevsky, went on to Tolstoy and Gogol). It's much easier to decide where to go next when it comes to philosophy and theory.


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He's not even considered a good writer in Russia. No, in fact he's an atrocious writer and his pretentious attempts at inventing his own neologisms, meandering prose with no rhyme or rhythm, and endless exposition dumps with ambitions of a wannabe 20th century Leo Tolstoy constantly fall flat on their face. All the bullshit aside. Don't know what to think of the rest of the list from this.


Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is an excellent book.
>…inventing his own neologisms, meandering prose with no rhyme or rhythm, and endless exposition dumps with ambitions of a wannabe 20th century Leo Tolstoy constantly fall flat on their face.
This does not describe the book at all.


>What is your process?
When I had access to a university library + a lot of time, I searched through the library catalog for certain topics then skimmed various books on a single subject, discarding the ones that didn't seem useful and noting the names of the rest for further study.

What I do now (since I only have access to what I can find on the internet) is to do the same thing by searching online using whatever platform is available, plus using authors sources and footnotes to find more books to read.

This is a good way of compiling info on specific topics.


Usually recommendation from friends. But if they got none, I go to boards that make recommendations I'm interested in and I start reading from there.

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