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File: 1608528316334.jpg ( 2.46 MB , 4032x3024 , Nickelocen_an_einem_Kühlfi….jpg )


Can someone get me this? I'm getting copyright blocked and cant find it anywhere.

Bellu, E. "The Dialectical Significance of Chemistry in the Works of Fr. Engels." Revue roumaine des sciences sociales: serie de philosophie et logique 17 (1973): 163-169.

Bellu, E. The Dialectical Significance of Chemistry in the Work of Friedrich Engels. Romanian Journal of Social Sciences Philosophy and Logic Series, Volume 17, 1973, 163-169.



File: 1608528316463.pdf ( 2.18 MB , imyanitov2015.pdf )

Looks ridiculously hard to find, the closest library I could find that collected that journal was several thousand kilometers from me and stopped their subscription to that journal a decade before that paper

If you specifically need that paper you're probably going to have to travel to your closest major library and hassle the librarians there to get a cross institutional copy

.pdf attached might be an acceptable substitute for your purposes maybe?


File: 1608528316543.png ( 53.35 KB , 1456x689 , hw4r54h.png )

Thanks for trying. I already read that one actually, and the two others google scholar has that also cite Bellu E. They are tangentially related, that one is mostly about the authors interest in synergetics, but I'm more interested in Dialectics and Chemistry alone specifically.

I can search hathitrust articles with a guest account and it throws back a result so I think theres a digital copy there, and its searchable in english.

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