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It seems like the Democrats have done a great job of pinkwashing their party, the amount of Gays I see worshipping any Dem candidate–including Biden, who supported both DADT and DOMA, is entirely annoying.

Why are Lesbians, Transbians, Trans*, and Bisexuals so much more radical overall than gay men? What's the issue?

I see so many LBTQ+ people in socialist groups like FRSO or anarchist collectives but my fellow gays would rather hole up in bars or form Stonewall caucuses to support homophobic democrats.


Just some theories from a straighto, pinch of salt is implied. I would assume the privellege associated with being male in a patriarchal society. Trans people are such outcasts that their ideology must be radical, and we know how society feels about women's sexuality.
Also no kids so they are more aligned with the ruling class because of the financial status it puts them in. I would guess lesbians are more likely to adopt and have higher emotional intelligence.


makes sense. I actually meant to post this in /leftypol/ and forgot I was browsing /edu/

It's really too bad that most gays dont realize that we're still oppressed. I don't think I've met a single cisgay man who was communist


As a fag I may have some insight. Gay men were very radical from the 60's to the AIDS crisis to DADT and other issues. The wealthy, white gay men that make up the Human Rights Campaign/LAMBDA Legal etc defanged the gay movement by promoting assimilation in the form of gay marriage, corporate wokeness/IDpol, and perpetuating the myth that gay men were all high-income DINKS that could be marketed to. In reality, there are more Gay men in poverty as a percentage than straight men. That is why today you see Goldman Sachs and Raytheon pride floats these days.

Now that gay marriage is legal and being fired for being gay is not (well…they can make any other excuse to fire you) the wealthy cis white gay man is entirely driven by class interests instead of fearing of being persecuted or dying of a horrific incurable disease now that PREP is widespread. So now you have out and wealthy iBankers, Lawyers, Techies, etc that have a class interest in keeping their status and mainstream Gay culture, in my opinion, is heavily focuses on looks, muscules, status, and income so it makes sense for them to not be radical but still pay lip service to social liberalism by going to pride parades and fundraising for Mayor Pete, who is the apotheosis of the neoliberal gay PMC.


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Gayanon here. I've met plenty but I agree with this post >>3551

Also, the fact that radical politics is going to appeal more to people who are socially oppressed would explain why there are so many trans people in the mix, but I think they're also more of a visible minority while gay men at this point have kind of blended in somewhat. In terms of gay left-wing radicals online with some degree of visibility, I'm thinking of Matthijs Krul (a.k.a. McCaine) who wrote one of the best articles on Nazi Germany that I've read:


I don't know him, he lives in a completely different country, but he has a reading list that I also use personally.


I think the descriptions of gay culture's petit-bourgeois pathologies ITT are very accurate. But I also really like aspects of culture like the music and entertainment side of the house:


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