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How can I learn to write pages of nearly incomprehensible bullshit about simple things that could straightforwardly expressed? I want to fit in on /leftypol/.


Read Žižek


please dont aspire to that, just be normal and be able to actually communicate.
Sometimes writing long shit helps communication, and in that case u wanna get better at expressing your thoughts precisely, but a lot of the time its pointless ego wanking so fucking please just dont, incomprehensible doesnt mean you're smarter than everyone else because few ppl can understand you, it means you're a retard who cant into communication


Learn dadaist poetry and read accelerationist BS to get the picture of how to sound smart to a bunch of autists


I learned the craft of "saying a lot, yet saying nothing" from Sam Hyde back in the teenage years. Nowadays I'm too lazy to write paragraphs just to convince some asshole on the other side, so I just occasionally shitpost.


Read Marx


Have ADD/ADHD, Autism, some type of neurosis. Then just keep rambling because you don't know when/how to stop. Once you've forgotten what your point was you can finish up and slam that mf reply button.


More like "how to be a pseud".


Read a lot, try to connect concepts to other concepts rather than learning isolated facts
Read some stuff or take some training on didactics and how to teach
Then practice with it


Read Rafiq


Just read theory. The verbosity comes for free.


I'm terminally succinct. I always make my point quickly, I remember a few teachers back in high school remarking how I was able to convey concepts with few words. I don't think I could ever write a (non-fiction) novel.


case in point




also /thread


You can put stuff on leftypedia, that would be an effort post that will last


Have you tried starting with the Greeks?


fuck off /lit/


That's actually useful. Just write pamphlets then.


and thus, eugenics-kun was born

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