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What does /roulette/ think of the markovian view of marxist/althusserian historical materialism presented by the immortal scientist in his review of althusser's philosopher of the encounter, as well as in his book "how the world works".


I thought that picture was a joke? Please don't tell me there are people who truly believe such nonsense.


read the first pdf attached


in order to make the state machine materialist, it would need to have a copy of that diagram for all combinations of relevant material conditions (plus connecting arrows). While it is technically correct, I don't think it is particularly useful.


Obviously this is insufficient as a COMPLETE model, but it's clearly not trying to be. It's expressing the idea that conditions potentially ripe for capitalism more frequently arise than actually do transition to it, which seems largely accurate to me - though of course (1) you could no doubt as mentioned get greater predictive accuracy by adding additional variables and (2) this leaves unexplained what constitutes the different state and why transitions between them should occur. It's not like Marxists have neglected these questions, though, so I think it's worth seeing if FSM-type models can produce anything useful if you noodle around with them.


They can't, this is some horoscope level bullshit.

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