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This is a post which I've found in redchinacn.org, which in turn was copied from Utopia internet forum. I think it's quite educational, so posting the machine translation of it here


Human activity or man-made damage is the most fundamental reason that causes and aggravates the loss or crisis of agricultural biodiversity. It is the inevitable result of people's long-term deviation from the objective natural laws, eagerness for quick success, and blind development. At the same time, the process of biodiversity loss is gradual, continuous, hidden, complex and irreversible, and its impact is extensive, profound, serious and lasting.


Agriculture: the big problem

&lt1. Progress? Anti-science?
Today, the agricultural ecosystem is seriously out of balance. In order to produce food, store and process food, humans have invented tens of thousands of chemical substances (preliminarily identified 30,000 types of pesticides and more than 30,000 food additives). Except for a few of these substances, they are In addition to being necessary, most of the roles played are that the disadvantages seriously outweigh their benefits, and they create opportunities for farmers to make money. And by polluting the food chain, creating a large number of patients, bringing huge profits to the medical system. When someone tells you that the human food chain is originally healthy and does not need so many harmful substances, and there are not so many patients, then someone will immediately attack you as a retrogression, anti-science and anti-humanity, and to bring humanity. Go back to primitive society. The reason for their complacency is that the aforementioned human agricultural technology inventions are all invented by scientists.

&lt2. Crops and pesticides
Plants got sick, so some people invented various pesticides to cure diseases of crops. They still focused on killing and fighting against viruses, bacteria and fungi. The plant disease may be temporarily controlled, but the bactericidal drugs remain in the food and enter the food chain. Some companies are trying to invent devices that can wash away pesticide residues; pharmaceutical factories continue to produce astronomical numbers of western medicines; Chinese herbal medicines are produced by growing crops, and the amount of medicine is increased when the efficacy decreases; hospitals have prepared more beds for patients, and hospital buildings The higher the cover; the price per square meter of the cemetery is several times higher than that of living people's housing! What a complete industrial chain. In addition to injuring crops, pests can also pollinate entomophilous plants. Some people kill insects when they see them, and for this reason, more than 30,000 pesticides have been invented. Although the pests were temporarily controlled, natural enemies and bees were eliminated at the same time, resulting in some vegetables or fruits that cannot be pollinated. Without insect pollination, some people have invented ripening hormones to make certain vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, and watermelons parthenocarpy (as opposed to women giving birth to children without having a relationship with men). No one has carefully studied the effects of vegetables and fruits that expand without pollination on the human body.

&lt3. Crops and herbicides
Weeds compete with crops for nutrients, water, and space, so some people invented herbicides to live and die. In doing so, although the weeds are temporarily controlled, it also promotes the evolution of weeds and becomes more difficult to deal with. To make matters worse, the herbicides have also eliminated beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Some nitrogen-fixing bacteria that originally have the ability to fix nitrogen, and even denitrifying bacteria that reduce excess nitrogen to atmospheric nitrogen have also been harmed. Without the care of weeds, farmland becomes bare ground, and it is very easy to cause soil erosion during the rainy season. Genetically modified crops can prevent herbicides, but weeds have also evolved and become taller and more difficult to control. It does not work if we use less herbicides. Crops, fruits, vegetables and even Chinese herbal medicines are resistant to disease, but food or Chinese herbal medicines themselves may also increase. In addition, the content of antibiotics, nutrition and traditional Chinese medicine treatment function decline. The target pests no longer eat the crops protected by genetically modified technology, and instead eat other pests. The pests that were originally in the secondary position succeeded in becoming the main pests, and they had to rely on pesticides to control them.

&lt4. Soil and fertilizer
After the beneficial microorganisms in the soil, especially those that fix nitrogen, dissolve potassium, and dissolve phosphorus, are eliminated, the lack of nutrients is simply supplemented by the use of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium-based fertilizers, which aggravates soil acidification. After the soil is acidified, some heavy metals that originally existed are dissolved, and heavy metals in feed, pesticides, and fertilizers are added to make heavy metals enter the food chain. Some heavy metals themselves have carcinogenic effects and are difficult to be excreted after entering the human body. As a result, Ukrainian experts in human body cleaning can remove an average of 3-5 kg ​​of poisonous waste per person from dead patients, which is equivalent to 4%-6% of body weight; among them, heavy metals such as lead and mercury, chlorine, nitrate, and poisonous waste Wait for about 0.52 kg. Those oxygen-containing compounds, such as NO, N2O, and N2O5 that cannot return to the air nitrogen reservoir (N2), became the precursors of smog, polluting the atmosphere and causing haze to raging. Since the establishment of the chemical fertilizer industry, crop yields have increased significantly. However, continuous and high frequency use of chemical fertilizers has caused soil compaction, soil acidification, and reduced food quality. Many beneficial elements have been seriously below the best level in history. For example, calcium. According to our research, wheat flour produced with chemical fertilizers is 76% less calcium than flour produced with organic agriculture. The calcium deficiency of other vegetables and fruits is also very common. Calcium deficiency in flour and food, humans have invented methods to supplement calcium, but those inorganic calcium are difficult to absorb by the body. Consumers have forgotten one of the simplest truths: calcium supplementation with food is king.

&lt5. Plastic film and hormones
More than half a century ago, mankind invented the mulch technology, but this technology has appeared in the global warming today, and its opposite effect has appeared: it aggravates plant diseases and causes serious unsalable agricultural products. Crop sickness has a great relationship with mulching film (especially hot and rainy summer) and off-season planting. Off-season planting and rush to market, both have the contribution of mulch and off-season agricultural film. However, the centralized listing has caused a downturn in the prices of agricultural products. No one wants tomatoes at 0.5 yuan/jin, garlic sprouts at 0.2 yuan/jin, and celery at 0.05 yuan/jin. Not to mention the waste of labor, the farmers can not recover the cost of agricultural inputs, but the waste of water resources and environmental pollution are very serious. In order to make plants grow faster, human beings use all kinds of hormones. Crops grow faster. Fruits and watermelons are getting bigger and brighter, but the taste is gone. Without the sweetness, humans continue to use sweeteners to make it sweet, but such fruits and melons may contain unhealthy ingredients. Such fruits or melons have reduced the appetite of consumers. Many families who originally liked to use watermelons to cool off the heat have not eaten watermelons for more than a decade. Whose watermelons are produced and sold to. There are kiwi, citrus, apple, banana, dragon fruit and so on with the same fate.


&lt6. Seeds, genetic modification and food safety
Plants are pests, disease, not resistant to herbicides, not tolerant to cold, drought, transportation and storage. Some people are smarter and invented genetically modified methods to allow plants to achieve the above functions. But this kind of food has another problem-the original non-toxic food is poisoned, and the nutrient content is even lower.

GM cannot allow farmers to keep seeds, otherwise farmers will not want to buy his seeds. Human beings domesticated and retained a variety of seeds for tens of thousands of years, and just disappeared mercilessly. "Eat seeds, keep seeds", farmers are born to be breeding experts; "starve parents to death without eating seed grain", with seeds, they have the autonomy of agriculture, and farmers attach great importance to seeds. But since there was hybrid technology, genetically modified technology, and capital-led seed companies, all this has undergone fundamental changes. Farmers buy seeds every year when they plant land, and they often buy fake seeds. Commercial seed companies reduce the amount of seeds, increase the unit price, and engage in seed coating for their own interests. The seeds are wrapped with pesticides. They trick the farmers to say that it is to ensure the emergence rate, but in fact it is to reduce the amount of seeds and sell them at high prices. Seeds are outsourcing pesticides, and underground pests don’t eat them, even rats are not eaten, or the rats are poisoned to death. There are no mice in the farmland, and snakes, owls, and weasels that feed on mice have basically disappeared. This has caused a higher level of ecological imbalance, from seeds, to pests, to birds, to mammals, and humans are hardly immune.

&lt7. Reflections?
In short, the original balance of the agricultural ecosystem has been disrupted, and humans have to swallow more harmful chemicals in order to feed themselves. Due to the large number of non-food chemical substances in the food chain, there have not been many strange diseases that have not appeared before. The prominent manifestations are precocious puberty, depression, hyperactivity, male and female infertility, obesity, leukemia, and various Cancer and other concentrated outbreaks. When an agricultural model develops to the point where human reproduction is difficult, we have to reflect on whether the first green revolution is really green.


Modern Science: Traditional Agricultural Wisdom
Because of science, it can be eaten with confidence (TL note. we can eat freely without worrying about starvation); because of science, there can be no wisdom (TL note. but we also lost our old wisdom). The main manifestations of China's agricultural biodiversity crisis are as follows:

&lt1. The agricultural habitat is shrinking and the structure is simplistic
In recent years, with the continuous, rapid and extensive GDP growth, the quantity and quality of agricultural natural resources represented by cultivated land, woodland, grassland and fresh water in my country have shown a continuous and substantial decline. Statistics show that since 1958, the total area of ​​cultivated land across the country has shown a continuous decline. In the past 50 years, the number of major natural inland lakes in the country has decreased at an average annual rate of about 20, and the lake surface has shrunk simultaneously; the area of ​​woodland has shrunk by nearly 1/2 compared with the early 1950s; about a quarter of natural grasslands have been desertified ; The area of ​​natural wetlands has decreased by nearly 10% in the past 10 years. The flow of major rivers represented by the Yangtze River and the Yellow River has dropped sharply. Many rivers have become seasonal rivers or have perennial dry-flow phenomena. The agricultural water gap has been expanding, and droughts have become more serious or frequent; the glaciers and permafrost have been shrinking in the western region. . At the same time, more than 40% of the country’s arable land has been degraded, and 105 million hm2 pastures have been degraded to varying degrees; the proportion of natural forests is shrinking, forest species are becoming younger and more uniform, and forest ecological functions are degraded; the environmental quality of agricultural freshwater resources is rapidly declining, and wetlands are fragmented The tendency of chemical and artificialization is prominent. The diversity of agro-ecological environment centered on farmland ecology is continuously losing. Some important and special agro-ecological landscapes or ecological types are facing endangerment or disappear forever. The overall agro-ecosystem is shrinking and degrading, its inherent vulnerability is strengthened, and its structure is constantly becoming unitary. Or the evolution of simplification and fragmentation.

&lt2. Accelerated loss of crop (variety) diversity
According to FAO estimates, since the 20th century, global crop (variety) diversity has been continuously lost, and 3/4 of crop genetics have been lost; 97% of the vegetable varieties once cultivated in the United States have disappeared; in the past 15 years, Indonesia has 1,500 local rice varieties. With the extinction, 3/4 rice varieties came from a single maternal offspring. It is predicted that by 2050, a quarter of the world's species will be in desperation. The disappearance of a plant will inevitably cause a certain food chain to break, or further induce or aggravate the survival crisis of other 10-30 species.

In China, more than 200 species of higher plants have become extinct in the past half century, and about 4,600 species of higher plants are endangered; the number of biological species across the country is decreasing at an average rate of one new endangered or even extinct every day, and crop cultivars are increasing. Decrease at a rate of 15% per year. A considerable number of crop germplasm resources can only survive in laboratories or seed banks. Many species, especially wild species, semi-wild species, local species or traditional farm species, have long been hard to find in the wild or disappear forever. Crop germplasm diversity , Genetic diversity and genetic diversity are facing unprecedented challenges, threats or crises.

&lt3. The diversity of agricultural animals (breeds) has dropped sharply
Studies have shown that currently about 41% of amphibian species and 26% of mammalian species in the world are facing the threat of extinction. The rate of vertebrate extinction has accelerated by more than 100 times compared with a century ago; 3/4 of the fishing grounds have been exhausted, abandoned or faced The danger of reduced production; of the more than 7,600 genetic resources for livestock and poultry, 190 have become extinct and 1,500 are endangered. In 2012, the number of endangered livestock and poultry species in the world increased to about 22%. The diversity of agricultural animals (breeds) represented by domestic livestock and poultry has been severely damaged, and a large number of traditional breeding livestock and poultry varieties are being rapidly replaced by modern agricultural simplification, intensive and large-scale high-yield new varieties.

China is a country with relatively rich resources of livestock and poultry breeds in the world, but recent survey results show that among the 426 traditional local breeds in the country, 15 breeds such as Hengjing pigs are no longer visible, 55 breeds are endangered, and 22 breeds such as Chenghua pigs are in danger. Three breeds are endangered; endangered and endangered breeds account for 14% of the total number of local livestock and poultry breeds, and about 85% of the local pig populations continue to decline. The biodiversity of aquaculture, represented by fish, has also been hit hard. The species, number or structure of aquatic, wet, or marsh organisms in the coastal waters and major rivers, lakes, ponds or wetlands of the country have all undergone significant changes , The species or number has dropped sharply, and the population structure has become increasingly unitary. For example, in the Bohai Rim region, one of the "World's 200 Best" ecological regions, 90% of the fishery resources have been commercially extinct; the output of seedlings of the main economic fish of the Yangtze River, the "four major home fish", dropped from 30 billion in the highest year to 400 million At the end, the fishing output was less than 1/4 of the highest year. One third of the freshwater fish species in Yunnan Province are endangered, and two thirds of the lake fish species have disappeared. In the plateau pearl of Erhai Lake, snail shellfish, macrobenthos and Dali bowfish, and many other indigenous fish have become extinct or endangered.


&lt4. Farmland species diversity is damaged
In addition to the accelerated loss of the diversity of major crops and their cultivars, the biodiversity of animals, plants, microorganisms, etc., which are closely related to agriculture, with farmland or soil environment as the core, has also been damaged. Many beneficial animals, marsh wet or aquatic plants, The species or population structure of insects, natural enemies of pests, fungi, bacteria, etc. have undergone significant changes, and their numbers have decreased significantly or disappear forever. The number of pest species and populations has increased sharply, and the abundance of farmland biodiversity has declined significantly. The United Nations report pointed out that in recent years, bee populations, which are closely related to crop pollination and yield, are dying out at an alarming rate, especially in the northern hemisphere. In the past 20 years, the number of bees in the United States and Europe has decreased by 30% and 10%-30%, respectively, while the size of bee populations in the Middle East has shrunk by more than 85%.

In China, many studies and a large number of empirical evidence have shown that the population of beneficial organisms or natural enemies of pests represented by birds, snakes, insects, earthworms, nematodes and ants is rapidly shrinking, while rodents are typical pests. The population density has soared, and some major agricultural and forestry diseases and pests have continued to increase, and the damage has increased. The types or numbers of aquatic animals, insects, frogs, earthworms, algae, weeds, and soil organisms in the southern rice field ecosystem have decreased significantly, and diversity has gradually been lost.

&lt5. The invasion of alien organisms is raging
With the continuous deepening of global economic integration and the intensification of climate change, in recent years, the degree of damage from alien biological invasions worldwide has increased day by day, and more than 100 species of alien invasive organisms are recognized internationally as the most threatening. At present, there are 544 species of alien organisms invading China, of which 100 are more severely harmful, and more than 50 are internationally recognized as the most threatening invasive species. The direct economic losses caused by 11 invasive agricultural and forestry species such as Bemisia tabaci, Eupatorium adenophorum and Pine Wood Nematode each year amount to more than 57.4 billion yuan. Invasive alien species have posed a serious threat to national biosecurity, ecological security, industrial security and biodiversity, and caused major damage or damage to the agricultural and forestry ecology and natural ecological environment.


The agricultural crisis: excellent work
(TL note. excellent work ~ good practice)
Trying to explore the main inducing factors of the agricultural biodiversity crisis:  

&lt1. lagging in thinking and understanding
One is the weak sense of crisis. For a long time, due to the limitations of understanding of nature and the objective world, the appearance of abundance of natural resources, and the deviation or misleading of public opinion, humans, especially Chinese, and even governments and management departments at all levels have a blind sense of superiority. , Resources and environmental concerns and sense of crisis are seriously lacking, and further foreshadowed the destruction of biodiversity and ecological environment.

Second, the development concept is lagging behind. Long-term poverty and backwardness, material deprivation, and stagnant economic development have made the Chinese people excessively strong desire to get rid of poverty and become prosperous. Utilitarianism is so prevalent, the color is so strong that it is too short-sighted, and one-sided pursuit of economic aggregate scale and growth rate or unrealistic "leapfrog." Development, while ignoring the inherent quality and efficiency of development and resources and environmental costs.

At the same time, misunderstanding the true meaning of development, simply equating "development" with growth, and blindly focusing on immediate benefits, temporary benefits, partial benefits and short-term benefits, which are scientific, harmonious, balanced, inclusive, and sustainable for development. The overall coordination and balance of sex and "people-oriented" lack sufficient understanding.

The third is superficial understanding. Based on objective reasons such as the gradual, concealed, long-term and complex nature of the loss of biodiversity, many managers, especially farmers, and even scientific and technical personnel have not yet truly fully understood and grasped the importance of biodiversity in resource and environmental protection. And the important position, role and far-reaching significance in the construction of ecological civilization.

Or still stay at the initial level of “pollution control” and “forest protection”, lacking basic knowledge or little understanding of the concept, connotation, and importance of deeper biological diversity, especially agricultural biological diversity, which brings about the loss of biological diversity. Little is known about its serious consequences, lack of understanding, vague or one-sided and superficial understanding, and serious weak awareness of agricultural biodiversity and genetic resources protection.

&lt2. Unsustainable industrialization and urbanization
One is the destruction of cultivated land caused by industrialization and urbanization. The speed of China's industrialization and urbanization is astonishing, but its exploitation or destruction of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" resources, especially arable land resources, is equally eye-catching, and it is extremely irrational and unsustainable. The main manifestations are: the urbanization of people lags significantly behind the urbanization of land; the proportion of industrial land is too high, which is much higher than the average level of developed countries and the world; the construction of public infrastructure is too advanced, and violations of laws and regulations are prominent. The floor area ratio of new urban areas is generally low, land waste is serious, and the level of conservation and intensiveness is low. As a result, a large number of high-quality arable land, important natural wetlands, grasslands, lakes and beaches have been repeatedly destroyed or disappeared forever, thereby exacerbating the shrinkage of the agricultural ecological environment. Degradation or fragmentation.

The second is industrial and urban sewage discharge. With the extensive and high-speed industrialization process and the excessive and rapid expansion of cities and towns, the national industrial and urban "three wastes" emissions are increasing day by day, but the harmless treatment rate, compliance emission rate and effective utilization rate have always been at a low level. Over discharge and illegal discharge have been repeatedly banned, and the phenomenon of “running and dripping” is serious, causing huge amounts of waste water, solid waste or toxic and hazardous substances to be discharged or piled up without any treatment, polluting or destroying soil, water or atmospheric environment, and thus harming agricultural organisms. Diversity has adverse effects and threats.

The third is the plunder of water resources by industrialization and urbanization. The demand and consumption of energy for production and living resources with water and electricity as the core have increased sharply, which has led to the blind launch, disorderly promotion and even flooding of various water diversion (diversion) projects, groundwater projects, and hydropower projects, as well as excessive water resources. The imbalance between development and allocation will eventually intensify the normalization of agricultural droughts, the sharpening of the contradiction between water supply and demand, the deterioration of the agricultural ecological environment, and the reduction of biodiversity.


&lt3. Extensive agricultural and rural production and management
One is the lagging development concept. Throughout the ages, from foreign to domestic, scientific research to production, obtaining the highest or higher agricultural output has always been the primary goal and even the ultimate goal of people's diligent pursuit. However, excessive, blind or one-sided pursuit of temporary yield indicators, immediate benefits, or short-term efficiency and efficiency has prompted people to rush to make manual selection and "survival of the fittest" from the start of the cultivation of new agricultural varieties, leading to the intensification of production links. Professional and large-scale operation and management. Large-scale simplification has continuously promoted the cultivation of high-yield "good" varieties and "unscrupulous" supplemented by all comprehensive measures for breeding and cultivation that capture high yields, ensure a bumper harvest and increase benefits, while ignoring the protection of germplasm resources and genetic diversity, and despising the ecological environment and The protection of industrial diversity ignores the long-term, continuity and scientific nature of production increase, growth or development.

The second is the predatory development of agricultural natural resources. Based on the deviation of development concept and the limitation of understanding, the desire to pursue output value, increase income and efficiency, and get rid of poverty and get rich is too strong, and the objective reality of the belief of "relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to draft water" has led to the destruction of forests and reclamation of wasteland from the sea (lake). (Land), blindly introducing species and disorderly development of wildlife resources, and other chaotic phenomena, such phenomena as indiscriminate logging, indiscriminate cultivation, indiscriminate grazing, indiscriminate harvesting, and indiscriminate introduction have been repeatedly prohibited. At the same time, rural construction is disorderly and out of standard, land utilization rate is seriously low, lack of planning, scattered layout, blind comparison, greed for foreign, over-occupation of cultivated land and extravagant waste and other undesirable tendencies coexist, resulting in a negative impact on agricultural resources, environment and biodiversity. Coercion.

The third is excessive agricultural chemicalization. At present, the use of agricultural chemicals represented by fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural films and antibiotics in China ranks first in the world. The use per unit area is several times that of developed countries, and far exceeds the world average level and the internationally recognized upper limit of environmental safety. , And further showed a trend of sustained and rapid growth, with agriculture’s dependence on chemicals reaching more than 50%. At the same time, the effective utilization rate or recovery rate of agricultural chemicals has been hovering at a low level for a long time, resulting in a large amount of chemicals or toxic and hazardous substances remaining in the field or soil, which will cause serious damage to the agricultural ecological environment and biodiversity.

The fourth is unsustainable water conservancy. There are still many extensive, unscientific or unsustainable elements in traditional water conservancy project construction and even modern water conservancy concepts or water conservancy process. For example, excessively large-scale or frequent, blind remote water diversion (diversion) and construction of dams and reservoirs, as well as increasingly hardened, cemented, and linearized river dams, ridges, ditches, and field roads, are greatly improving the drainage and irrigation capacity. At the same time as the level of flood prevention and disaster resistance, it may further lead to the destruction of water ecology or deterioration of the water environment, aggravate the fragmentation of farmland habitat and the crisis of agricultural biodiversity, and weaken the self-purification and self-balancing ability of the agricultural environment.

The fifth is the risk of biochemical. On the one hand, the continuous selection, research, development and promotion of agricultural genetically modified or high-yield hybrid varieties has led to the gradual shrinking and even extinction of traditional local varieties and farm varieties, thereby accelerating the loss of genetic diversity, genetic diversity and farmland ecological diversity. At the same time, it is very easy to cause the invasion and damage of new major diseases and insect pests, resulting in a rapid change in the structure of agricultural organisms. On the other hand, gene drift and pollution, while seriously destroying the genetic integrity, diversity and viability of agricultural organisms, may further promote the growth of new super pests or increase the harmfulness of pests; residues of genetically modified organisms that enter the soil , It produces new toxins and harms soil organisms.

&lt4. Deteriorating agricultural ecological environment
First, the pollution of cultivated land is serious and the quality is degraded. At present, nearly 20% of the cultivated land in China has exceeded the standard of soil pollutants, about 20% of the cultivated land is polluted by heavy metals, 13 million to 16 million hm2 of cultivated land is polluted by chemical pesticides, and more than 25 million hm2 of farmland is polluted by residual plastic film. Large areas of soil Suffered from the pollution of nitrate, nitrite and other chemical fertilizer residues, the farmland affected by acid rain reached 2,667,000 hm2, and the area of ​​sewage irrigation area was 6.5 million to 7 million hm2. At the same time, the level of cultivated land nationwide is generally low, with poor or poor quality. More than 60% of the cultivated land has no water source protection; more than 40% of the soil is degraded, and the proportion of low- and medium-yield fields is as high as 71%; the soil nutrition imbalance is serious, desertification, saline-alkali Outstanding chemical and soil erosion has intensified.

Second, the water environment is worrying. The environmental report shows that in 2013, China's surface water was generally slightly polluted. 50% of the top ten river systems were polluted; nearly 40% of the nationally controlled lakes reached pollution level; about 60% of the groundwater quality was poor or extremely poor; coastal waters More than 1/3 are polluted, and local pollution is serious.

Third, the quality of the atmospheric environment has declined. Studies have shown that since the founding of New China, the ammonia flux in the national atmospheric environment has increased several times; trace greenhouse gases emitted by the agricultural industry are increasing at a rapid rate; more than 5 million hectares of arable land have suffered varying degrees of air pollution. Currently, less than 1% of cities nationwide have air quality up to standard, and the range, frequency and duration of smog keep setting new records. The continuous deterioration of the agricultural ecological environment has further accelerated the loss of agricultural biodiversity.


&lt5. Climate change and natural disasters
At present, global climate change is becoming more and more intense, natural disasters are frequent, and the impact is becoming more extensive and far-reaching. The continuous warming of climate and the dramatic changes in rainfall in time and space, on the one hand, can directly change the survival and development of agricultural organisms and the geographical distribution range, intensify the process of coastal soil salinization and swamping, and cause the shrinkage of agricultural habitats. On the other hand, it destroys the original agricultural ecosystem and agricultural biodiversity. Extremely severe droughts, rapid droughts and floods, rare storms (snow), sandstorms, low temperatures and freezing, high temperatures and heat, mudslides, etc., dominated by extreme abnormal weather and natural disasters are frequent and frequent, which has caused and is bringing direct damage to the agricultural ecological environment Or destroy, exacerbate the agricultural biodiversity crisis.


Conclusion: Crisis
In summary, China’s agricultural biodiversity crisis has quietly arrived and is becoming increasingly severe. Its causes are complex and multifaceted. It is not only closely related to direct, subjective, and controllable human factors, but also has objective and irresistible natural forces. Comprehensive role. But in the final analysis, human activities or man-made damage are the most fundamental reasons that lead to and aggravate the loss or crisis of agricultural biodiversity. It is the inevitable result of people's long-term deviation from objective natural laws, eagerness for quick success, and blind development. At the same time, the process of biodiversity loss is gradual, continuous, hidden, complex and irreversible, and its impact is extensive, profound, serious and lasting. Therefore, it is urgent to examine, understand, and protect agricultural biodiversity with a global vision, an international background, and the sustainable development of human society; only to fully respect nature, conform to nature, and respect nature, and completely transform the old, backward and unconventional. The rational traditional development concept and the extensive and inefficient development model, and the establishment and consistency of the scientific and sustainable "five major" new development concepts can effectively guarantee the agricultural biodiversity and ecological environment safety, as well as the harmony and co-prosperity of man and nature.

>About the author: Jiang Gaoming, researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, former deputy secretary-general of the China Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, deputy secretary-general of the National Committee of the Chinese People and the Biosphere, and deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Ecological Society , Is currently the deputy editor-in-chief of "Journal of Plant Ecology" and editorial board member of "Acta Ecologica".

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