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File: 1608527953796.jpg ( 200.47 KB , 445x565 , Hirohito_wartime(cropped).jpg )


Would anime today be better if Americans rightfully executed the Emperor for his war crimes after the second world war instead of blaming it all on Hideki Tojo?


File: 1608527953888.jpg ( 72.05 KB , 500x593 , 67984bc9b2440852b4b74f6edc….jpg )

>Would anime today be better
I don't see how that would be possible

>war crimes

never happened


Japan surrendered. There would have been no grounds to execute the head of state.


They could have easily executed him for the war crimes he was responsible for. In fact the Americans had to do a lot to deceive the judges at the Tokyo trial into sparing his life.


Yeah. The Nazis got the worst of it in comparison, yet many of their crimes were left unpunished.


What do communists do with inbred parasitic royalty?


We shoot them or make them spend the rest of their life as janitors doing it for FREE

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