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I'm not sure if I am being too contrarian, but I think that maybe economics was split into micro and macro as an effort to destroy the LToV. Seeing that Microeconomics was built upon the assumption of the bourgeois economist Alfred Marshall and his conception of marginal utility, I hold a lot of skepticism. Pair that with Keynes- a student of Marshal- who later built the conception that the economy's malaise was due problems with aggregate demand via Mashall's axioms that supply and demand determine value, then I feel loss. I basically believe these divisions are arbitrary, yet I'm not sure how far I can go against the grain. Are there books from the perspective of a classical economist or Marxist who deals with this topic. I was inspired a lot by Cockshott in this regard.


microeconomics is basically pseudoscience on the same tier as Jungian psychoanalysis. it’s all just speculation without any falsifiability. I don’t think it’s intentional, just that lolberts and neolibs are too divorced from reality to see it.


I understand that as the majority of microeconomics, and economics as a whole, is divorced from political economy. Microeconomics particularly ignores any repucussions to society; instead focusing on a framework of atomised firms. Ideology is left to fill in gaps. Particularly, the emhasis on exchange value ("commodity fetishism") which I would argue the majority of macroeconomics seems to make the mistake as well. The gravitas of value is simply underestimated at best.


Micro/macro split has been shrinking in relevance since the Lucas critique. It isn't really a thing anymore.


US colleges still split into separate classes


They're different lenses suited for different problems but micro still acknowledges the wider society and macro still acknowledges the individual. The perspectives aren't at odds.

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