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File: 1608528195113-0.png ( 214.35 KB , 1200x1123 , mad scientist.png )

File: 1608528195113-1.gif ( 16.25 KB , 620x466 , entropy.gif )


I want to get good at using math for things and practical issues but I'm kind of a brainlet. If you guys could post math formulas and equations for things, what they mean and how I can use them I'd greatly appreciate it.

EG above


E = mc²


E = mc²


If you are German I can just send you my analysis script. Teaches you everything you need to know about higher level mathematics.


Introduction to Electrodynamics by David Griffiths might be what you’re looking for. it goes over the math you need for the book and it teaches you all about electricity and magnetism which are very easy to experiment with by just picking up a breadboard and some wires and batteries.


What kind of things do you do? As someone with a maths degree it isn't all that practical. The most useful is probably trigonometry and just knowing algebra well, so you can rearrange equations to find out stuff.


what's an analysis script?

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