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File: 1608528172411.png ( 1.35 MB , 1534x942 , his african culture.png )


I saw this picture (pic related) on another thread, and I am actually pretty curious about the topic.

Any good suggestions (books, videos, texts) for getting into African philosophy, culture and art?


Read Bantu Philosophy by Placide Tempels first. Then read the philosophical works of Henry Odera Oruka, Achille Membe, Wole Soyinka and other such writers.


The idea of studying non-European philosophy is stupid, since it never really developed past the Greek way of thought. read Hegel’s History of Philosophy to see what I mean.
Eastern and African societies never had their Descartes, for example.


>The idea of studying non-European philosophy is stupid, since it never really developed past the Greek way of thought. read Hegel’s History of Philosophy to see what I mean.
Eastern and African societies never had their Descartes, for example.
yes, you've got it, this is how history works, first you get greeks, then christianity, then descartes, then bertrand russel, then you win Civ with a culture victory, boom. fortunately the other guys didn't invent jesus and some didn't even have greeks so we can be spared the necessity of reading them


stop projecting your decadent hobbies onto me.


That's genuinely silly. I'm not an expert but Africa had philosophers that provenly came up with ideas before their European "equivalent" thought of it. I don't remember the specific anymore though, because I watched a video about it a while ago. It's not true that they didn't "develop past Greek way of thought" and it's baseless to even treat like a linear progression.


Eurocentric is a myopic idea, because basically everything in the world are equal.
As Engels said, every progress is also a regress, so the modern African ideas is advanced in their own sense (suitable for their practical lives, as they're totally different from Eurasian people), just as the modern hunters gatherers are light-year superior to their ancestors in 10000 BC.
The only lagging things in the world are the dying ones, and the living ones are equally progressive.


>Africa had philosophers that provenly came up with ideas before their European "equivalent" thought of it.
doesn’t matter. even if Africa had the ideas of Ptolemy a million years before we did, that doesn’t mean they ever had a Copernicus, whose ideas are inseparable from contemporary thought across the entire planet.


Fanon and Achebe bro. The ancient shit I can't help you with. Tons of dense ass African art books though, that field is really developed and accessible.


I have to question which regions of Africa does this include? Is it only black culture?



Ptahhotep's Maxims, audiobook



Adaptation of local African folktales by Pasolini. Full film is available on YT but blocked in the US. The Dunya story



Here's a good thematic overview of African philosophy, although it's biased towards contemporary philosophy (understandably, since that's where all the writing is.)

History of African Philosophy Without Any Gaps (a side project to the HOPWAG podcast) is a good podcast on the subject if you prefer that format (and I highly recommend the "main" channel focused on western philosophy as well.)




This is what uncritically referring to 19th century european though does to your brain. Remember kids, real life is not a game of Civ or AoE. >>2300
I must say I dislike images like that as they assume only civilized societies (like those of the colonialists) are worthy of admiration and study and ultimately starting from there just makes you seek what is similar to those "model societies". In other words, it puts a huge bias on you, that no matter how benevolent the intention, ultimately blocks you from understanding the whole picture and does a great disservice to the peoples of Africa. These days, recordings of hunter gatherers earnestly sharing their insights and thoughts are probably some of the greatest treasures we can access.
I'm probably on the minority on this board, but I say discarding all notions of progress is the best thing one can do to properly understand the world. Those people are adapting to change, nothing more. 50000 years ago human beings were larger, stronger and had bigger brains, but were also far more violent and therefore less apt to living in a s o c i e t y. There was a trade-off in our evolution. Are modern hunter gatherers light years ahead of big brain Chad from 50000 BP? Probably not, and neither are we City dwellers and Internet natives who develop disorder after disorder due to our lifestyles. Were those prehistoric men better then? I say that's not it either. We just changed, adapted to different challenges, choose different paths, that's all.




For poetry, abstinance and unrequited love are a common theme. See Antarah Ibn Shaddad, Kuthair and Azza and Aziz and Aziza. Antarah's Seven Odes are probably one of the most notable works.


File: 1608528404434.jpg ( 184.01 KB , 600x805 , Antarah_on_horse.jpg )

Picture of Antarah. His poetry is considered some of the best of the Islamic gplden age.


Look at those eyes
Dude weed lmao


Can't see how that is relevant to my post.


mujahideen hashish


what is the point of studying thinkers that believe the earth is flat?


>People thought the earth was flat bf copernicus
you probably mean geocentrism but even that is not entirely true


Circular Earth has been the norm since Anaxagoras and Plato.


have you got a pdf of them




>read Hegel’s History of Philosophy
Hegel was pretty ignorant about non western philosophy.
for example the chinese.

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