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I've been working on formatting Black Bolshevik into EPUB and webpages to make it more accessible, as it's a very long book. At the moment chapters 1-3 are finished. Please contribute if you have the time.



For typos and misprints, I am using this PDF as a basis of comparison http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=AAF60EC535C8BCBE403DCF8E83CB5406


thanks for sharing Anon. what exactly do you need to "finish"? it looks like all the chapters are there on the page


I need to finish formatting the other chapters properly and correcting their spelling mistakes. These have just been converted from the scanned PDF as-is, so the automatic transcriptions are still a problem.
I'll keep working in this as I have time, but I appreciate any extra help as it's taking some time.


how do I compile EPUBS


I've been working on the epub that generated after converting the PDF so I'm not sure how you would compile it from scratch. Here's what I have so far compiled to epub (again, only the first three chapters are finished).

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