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I don't want to leave the house, do any work or anything at all. I would rather lay in bed all day and do heroin. In a socialist society, what happens when I simply refuse to work at all? Do I get housed and fed, or do I starve?


if you don't work who's going to make the heroin? Under socialism everyone has to work for what they need, unlike in capitalism where some work and others don't. The good news is that you'll likely only have to work 3 hours a day to have all your needs, including heroin, met. This is because much of the labor today is unproductive instead of directly social.


You'll get housed and fed. A small number of parasites isn't a threat to socialism. If right now, in capitalism with 5-10% (or more) unemployment rate, we can produce enough to not only reproduce the race, but to grow it, then we can also support that same number of parasites in socialism/communism.


Probably a forced rehab program. You still get a place to stay and food etc. Most likely that works out as your issues are resolvable. If not you get treated as an invalid and live of welfare.


>if you don't work who's going to make the heroin?
why cant other people do it? I'm betting depressed and workshy people aren't the majority of the population

>unlike in capitalism where some work and others don't.

cool where is this capitalist utopia where nobody works? I'm packing my shit

>The good news is that you'll likely only have to work 3 hours a day to have all your needs, including heroin, met.

That doesnt sound bad but how can you be certain? what if the bureaucracy says it wants 500 tons of grain produced this month for exports? what if I say no, its too hard?

nice I want welfare


>cool where is this capitalist utopia where nobody works? I'm packing my shit
You just gotta own the means of production friend :^)


You go into a gulag


You get fucking put in a work program and rehab until you fucking become a useful part of society, even the disabled are given appropriate work so that they may make a living and have a meaningful input into society and their lives.


These posters are younger than 18 years old.


Feel free to have an argument hedonist.


you go to rehab


my take is that in socialism, if you don't work you get like your basic subsistence met, like you don't starve, but that's it, you don't get to enjoy the good things in life without doing some work


"He who does not work, does not eat" - Lenin


Really it depends on the level of productive forces/abundance in the society. Compare "From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution" with "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." I think, for example, in a socialist (lower-phase communism) Germany, you would be provided with a house and food, but probably not much more than that. In a sufficiently abundant higher-phase communism, I'm sure you could be afforded some luxury goods, depending on the level of abundance. People who don't wish to work (where what counts as work is much broader than modern-day capitalism) would be rare. The reason why "forced labour" existed in the USSR was simply because the society was poor and needed to develop quickly, etc.

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