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File: 1608527940709.png ( 347.86 KB , 680x730 , tmp_14091.png )


Dark edition.


shitty meme OP




File: 1608527941027-0.jpg ( 61.74 KB , 460x657 , aR1jWd5_460s.jpg )

File: 1608527941027-1.png ( 276.48 KB , 480x473 , qr8bm4z8u7421.png )

That's like "I learned about some basic history in my US school system" tier shit. This is real historical meme tier shit.


Why would you bump this shit?


File: 1608527941223.jpg ( 39.59 KB , 680x510 , c02.jpg )

You say as you bump. Just cause OP is a grade 9 social studies student don't mean it can't be salvaged.


File: 1608527971884-2.jpg ( 113.38 KB , 640x1000 , 1584885824797.jpg )



>1st pic
It’s still staggering how I used to believe in “niggers were always uncivilised” meme


anyone know sites with good history boards?


How can anyone rationally believe that when the easier answer is that you only learn European history in school?


It’d be good if we had more people.


I sexond this one


File: 1608528189129-0.png ( 439.62 KB , 589x752 , 1585360081179.png )

File: 1608528189129-2.jpg ( 263.53 KB , 1078x939 , 1585514052845.jpg )

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