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File: 1608528117999.jpg ( 166.04 KB , 1200x960 , Graphene.jpg )


I guess lots of people are somewhat skeptical it'll be anything, since a bunch of media outlets hyped it up a decade ago and nothing came of it,
but they were hyping up its discovery then, when it was still a whole world away from the production process.
From what I understand, silicon was much this way at first as well; groundbreaking discovery but a long time before they could figure out mass-production and implementation.
Now it seems at last the stuff is ready to be mass-produced and the actual production line is ramping up, and consumer products with marginal amounts of the stuff are already available.

So this thread will be for general discussion about what graphene is capable of and its implementations,
as well as for advancements in the production process and availability of graphene.

Some articles:

It's coming.


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I've been reading some of this and this just feels too unreal. Like it can do so much things better and faster and its like "press x to doubt". Nonetheless, it sounds exciting, especially with the solar panels, and how it will affect renewable energy. Also if you don't mind, do you have anything about the history of Silicon. I kinda want to see how opinions changed as it was being rolled out, like you described.


In all honesty I might've just gotten confused and am overexaggerating Silicon somewhat.
It's really hard to find articles so I've genuinely no idea where I got my history of it to begin with.
Regardless, Silicon was invented in the 1820s and it wasn't figured out that they make computers good until like the 1950s/60s/70s.
The issue I'm thinking of might not have been the mass production of silicon itself, but rather the mass production of the integrated circuit, which silicon was of course quintessential in enabling.


Now ignoring the fact that it was discovered in the 1820s,
if we just take the timeline from when they figured out how it could be used in an integrated circuit to when it actually became commercially available en masse, it amounts to about 15 years.
Though even then it still took far more time for it to be cheaply available.


A graphene battery (phone charger) released awhile ago, but it was a little underwhelming. It had clear advantages, yes, however perhaps not enough to warrant aping the market.
I am going to give the benefit of the doubt that it's being underutilised in this product.


Yeah this is just the beginning of what's capable;
they just added like a sheet of it to already existing battery architecture, and that alone has improved charge time from 1.5 hours to 20 minutes, as well as slightly improving capacity.
Actually designing electronics architectures around graphene and incorporating the material in every facet of the device is what will offer the truly immense improvements.

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