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File: 1608528111903.jpg ( 120.92 KB , 1200x630 , Mao_Zedong_last_photo.jpg )


I'm having a very difficult time reading even Marx's "easier" works. I find the language he uses is far too dense and it seems to fly right over my head. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Am I just retarded?


Try reading this the reading level was targeted at people who learnt to read in adulthood so it's pretty simple and meant to be a step along the way to reading more complex works

Tell us how you go


Read three sources of marxism by lenin its rather short and build up from that. I find Lenin very pleasant to read. But you can also try Engels Stalin or Mao


Thanks for the quick responses, anons, I'll keep you updated if I have any questions so long as you are willing to supply me answers.


Of course


Read this fam, it was written for illiterate proles and was approved by Marx himself: https://www.marxists.org/archive/cafiero/1879/summary-of-capital.htm


This is so much easier to read and understand than Capital, thanks a lot anon.


I recommend Critique of the Gotha Program as a kinda easy read. It's a point by point take down so is more friendly for our twitter/10-minute-youtube-video brains. You're not retarded if you've got this far friend


Where's the text it is taking down point-by-point? There's not much sense in reading something like this without being familiar with the thing it attacks.


File: 1608528113257.png ( 28.59 KB , 263x251 , 09876.png )

It's the first few pages of the PDF in the "Letter to Bracke". The Gotha Programme is that short

Another source https://history.hanover.edu/courses/excerpts/111gotha.html

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