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They're actually publishing a collection of his writings in English:


Excuse the academic pricing; I assume Haymarket Books are going to publish a paperback edition later this year if not into the next.


Great, now I can buy it and glue myself to an armchair


Holy shit this is great news, I don't have to learn Italian specifically for Bordiga anymore!


Be heroes and scan these if you buy them, they'd already be public domain anyways.


Italian Marxism has been getting a lot of attention in the English-speaking part of the world in recent years; it's quite nice.
Why scan when you could just pool the money to get the pdf? I mean it's brill so it's not gonna be a print replica, but still.


holy shit, I could afford it but I'm not willing to pay this much for a fucking book


Academic publishers' rent-seeking ought to be dismantled, for real; I'll just make a request on aaaaarg. Having Bordiga's works read like they're not machine translated should be worth the price to somebody.


Based. My armchair will finally be used for its intended purpose.


The economics of academic publishing is interesting because it's a sort of weirdly stealth-communist affair - the writers are paid almost entirely in prestige, and nobody pays for it other than university libraries. So you could *arguably* say that it's a form of public goods provision by bloated university endowments, just implemented in an incredibly dumb way.


it's out now; hopefully someone will rip the pdf soon


Not a leftcom, but Bordiga is such a fun read that I'll be very glad to revisit his works without having to stare at a computer screen.


what the hell




hmm weird; looks like the pdf is still listed as "not yet available for purchase"


Great review and summary of the collection recently in the Weekly Worker: https://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1309/wrongly-overlooked-thinker/


okay it's really out now; released August 10th


here it is! enjoy


Any chance for epub or mobi version?


Nice! You're the real MVP


incredibly based


No; unfortunately Brill only ever distributes pdfs from the looks of it.


Based-ass nigga right here




So is anyone here reading it? What are your thoughts thus far?

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