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What can you guys tell me about "Time Travel"?


One time I met a professor who quit his job, bought a house in a far location and devoted all of his studies to analyzing and researching 'warp drive's using I think theoretical physics.


'warp drive'*


Tom Baker's Doctor was hands down the shittest.


Jon Pertwee's Doctor was close friend of chairman Mao.


Time travel is not Marxist.


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tfw nothing is marxist


it's not socialist


I was born in and come from the future, and it does not like pretty.
which is why I'm here.


I will tell you about it when I travel into the past when you were 5.
Just wait


In a way, going to the future is possible if you move at relativistic speeds.
Going to the past would require moving at above the speed of light.




worst movie plot


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Here's not much better.


This is the plot of Steins;Gate.

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