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File: 1608528072588.png ( 226.94 KB , 498x690 , hey-vsauce-michel-here-ive….png )


it should take me a couple of days max to do so.
drop links, pdfs, images

if it's larger than 20k lmk and i'll think about it

i'll also do belarusian if needed


absolute madman


You working on this, OP?


just saw this. should be finished by sunday.


What about something from Lev Chernyi? He seems to be interesting but it is hard to find anything from him in English.


send me a link to something and i'll get to work


finished. let me know if there are any issues.


Thanks for the work comrade


OP bumping in case anyone needs a translation


File: 1608528085581-0.jpg ( 96.03 KB , 814x703 , russianmemes.jpg )

File: 1608528085581-1.jpg ( 181.57 KB , 599x800 , memdprp2.jpg )

File: 1608528085581-2.jpg ( 98.84 KB , 358x604 , memdprp.jpg )

Hi, I'm writing an article for New Multitde about new Russian left..

would you be able to translate some of these memes for me?


File: 1608528085761-0.jpg ( 126.16 KB , 1280x729 , agitochka3.jpg )

File: 1608528085761-1.jpg ( 230.44 KB , 1280x720 , agitochka2.jpg )



Can you post translations of these images in their comment sections?




Thank you so much, is the first one supposed to be a dig at KPRF?

What do you think is the meaning of the last one? Is it anti communist or more defeatist?


thanks! who are the first one supposed to be?


the first one is a reference to a trot party (RWP), if anything it was prob made by a KPRF member.

i'd say the last one is about how there's not a lot of interest in the left in Russia, especially RWP


File: 1608528090245-0.png ( 295.24 KB , 1280x729 , 7c3d93ecf83c52be4c17ebcff7….png )

File: 1608528090245-1.png ( 716.01 KB , 1280x720 , f17fb9fcb61ec66fb894a729e3….png )



thank you anon


BUMPING to remind people of my services. i am also working through the images in the translation request tag on the booru.


Can you translate this (google translate was ok, but a native version would be better):


on it, should be done by tuesday or wednesday


scratch that, expect it in a week or so


OP, do you know how to access Nechayev's works? I can only find the Catechism online.


File: 1608528105023.jpg ( 159.66 KB , 800x1048 , stalin.jpg )

Translate this, please: "Why Stalin is a god", by Alexandra (the girl who created sci-hub)



unfortunately i couldn't find anything but catechism either


File: 1608528109956.pdf ( 86.68 KB , stalin god.pdf )


currently a quarter done with this


> currently a quarter done with this
Yes, it's really a long interview, but I think it's quite informative and a balanced view of the Stalin era. Thank you very much


i myself am learning a lot in the process of translating it!


Thank you!


File: 1608528116701.pdf ( 354.73 KB , land-17.pdf )

This is allegedly the KGB file on soviet physicist Lev Landau. It's not too long and I would appreciate it if you could translate this.


>KGB file on soviet physicist Lev Landau
You meant this? http://www.bukovsky-archives.net/pdfs/sovter74/1016_land-17-Eng-Chulsky.pdf
Anyway, Landau was a good scientist but not a citizen. However, he didn't do anything harmful, so the state let him do what ever he wanted (of course no escaping to the capitalist world)


Yes, thanks anon.


kek @ the 3rd pic


Can you do this one? Apologies if it's big


it can be done. i'm still working my way through stalin and khrushchev so this might be a while


No worries, take your time


Does anyone have At the Time of Great Battles by Sofia Dzezhinky? Was published in the soviet union and poland, can't find anything in bong-land




It was only published in the USSR so I wanted to ask the Russian speakers. However I don't think an English version exists, or will ever exist, since it is quite a long work and very obscure. For now we have this which is based off it though! https://www.redstarpublishers.org/DzerzhinskyBio.pdf


This one seems to be good. "Main features of cybernetics"


Could you translate anything by the Lenin Crew? Maybe something that stands out to you? I'm not sure if the Google translation is good enough, but I would like a confirmation if it is accurate. If you could, I would like your thoughts and opinions on the website. Or, if you are busy and cannot do any of my requests, I would at least ask you to translate this:
Although I am welcome to a translation of a work that you deem to be much more important.


Requesting translations of these images posted in their respective comment sections:


hey op, could you contact me via [email protected] about some translation work. you can do it anonymously if you wish.

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