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Yugoslavia was the only "eastern bloc" country that was almost entirely liberated by the domestic communsit led anti-fascist coalition.
They wanted to follow the Soviet model, but due to some ComInform (ex Comintern) tensions, Stalin excluded them and after 1948 they strated to look for their own path in building socialism and they came up with self-management - the workers voted in the managers, voted on employing new people, what the created value will be used on etc.
However, they never really found a good way to trade goods between companies so they re-implemented the market where goods between companies and between companies and consumers were traded.
They also had strong relationship with various 2nd and 3rd world countries and helped them out a lot (they worked on importan construction projects in Iraq, Syria, Egypt etc. etc.), and many foreign students came to study in Yugoslavia (people from Congo, Sudan, Algeria, Iraq etc. etc.)
In the 70s they borrowed money from the World bank which fucked them at the end of the 70s and start of the 80s (debt crisis) which gave rise to ugly nationalism which eventually destroyed the country and re-introduced a wild capitalism.


>Yugoslavia was the only "eastern bloc" country that was almost entirely liberated by the domestic communsit led anti-fascist coalition.
Excuse me


Sorry Albania, I really fucked up this one.


albania had huge help from the yugo's tho


Hahaha, I forot that in Far Cry3 they had their own nazi pits.

Does anyone has more info about like, how much was the external debt of the eastern bloc to the IMF by the 80's? Or a graph of it's progress?.


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You mean during the war? Albania helped Yugoslavia during liberation too


>Albania helped Yugoslavia during liberation too

>Yugoslavia was the only "eastern bloc"
It's not even "eastern". Yugoslavia is Southern European. Jugoslavija =Southern Slavia, Jugosl(a/o)veni = Southern Slavs. Calling Yugoslavia Eastern Europe is a Western pejorative, because they want to evoke images of "commie blocks" and other things associated with the Soviet Union.


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no clue what was going on in yugoslavia, but I love telling fascists about that barbara thing


Comrade Hoxha sent forces from Albanias National liberation army to Yugoslavia where they participated in the liberation of Kosovo, Bosnia and Montenegro.


How did the national identity of Yugoslavia came apart so quickly? Even the USSR during its own collapse didn’t experience such a full fledged dissolution.


I am from here, I know. I am just writing so our non-yugo friends understand.


Because citizens of Yugoslavia never had a "Yugoslav" national identity. The regime in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia pushed very hard for a unified Yugoslav state and nation, but failed miserably. Post war socialist Yugoslavia was from the start a federal state in which Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia were federal states. And Kosovo, while not a federal state, had the status of an autonomous region.

A Slovenian writer once said in 1913: by blood we are brothers, by language we are cousins, but by culture, which develops over centuries, we are further apart than a Slovenian peasant is from a (German) peasant in Tirol (Austrian region).


>A Slovenian writer once said in 1913: by blood we are brothers, by language we are cousins, but by culture, which develops over centuries, we are further apart than a Slovenian peasant is from a (German) peasant in Tirol (Austrian region).
Typical Slovenian. I love how dead on Yugo stereotypes are. That's why the jokes are funny, cause they're all true.



Also it's funny how "typical Slovenian" comes from presumably a Croat or Serbian - your guys really are crazy nationalist fanatics


>muh mitteleuropa


uneven development caused diverging consciousness; "yugoslavization" is a thing, and you can see it today even moreso with the euroregion policy.
my impression was that the serbs were the most vested in the yugoslav identity and considered themselves yugoslavs until the ouster of milosevic and even some time after that.

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