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File: 1608527930995.png ( 18.46 KB , 1152x648 , guess what it is.png )

 No.106[View All]

let's play a game
someone draws a historic event in paint and other people try to guess what event that person drew
115 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yay! That's right! I just thought it was crazy that the same ship survived Pearl Harbour and was destroyed famously by Thatcher in the 80s.


No one has guessed this right yet…




Look at the close detail ! And wrong


Details? It's a stick figure.


Big eyebrows.


… Leonid Brezhnev didn't die hanging


I went through that list and there are too many people with eyebrows without facial hair, yet none of them stand out as someone who would be chosen in a /his/tory thread. My final guess is John Brown because he had majestic eyebrows and is usually shown without the equally amazing beard that he had at the time of his execution.


File: 1608528041785.png ( 112.4 KB , 1740x1080 , Untitled11_20200426154800.png )

this one should be easy


BO destroying old /leftypol/


Apparently Brezhnev was the only person in history to have big eyebrows ?
I'll give another hint, died in the 1980s.


Ismail has nothing to do with the old BO. He would've been a better BO if anything.




He's not in there.


It's ur mom tonight unless you reply to this post


You're a rat.


that's rude to the anon


They threaten my mother, I believe they can take a little insult in return.


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File: 1608528044359.jpg ( 142.6 KB , 1000x1000 , bob_2.jpg )

Just another day in new york city, watching the twin towers as a plane flies past in the background

guess pic related


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three guesses


capitalist realism(1991-2016)




My achievements.






Times up, Tiananmen Square on April 15th, 1989




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Fuck it my turn


What? Why are bringing up such a random day?


File: 1608528047792.jpg ( 546.86 KB , 2008x3071 , antifascism.jpg )

Close enough. 2016 in general but I'll give it to ya.


File: 1608528048964.webm ( 2.48 MB , 540x360 , nice meme kid.webm )

haha very epic picture you memelord! Too bad if it was historically accurate Bob would be using the bone to beat the hobgoblin to death, which would lead to very different conclusions about the utility of 'anti-fascism' that would hurt your delusions of red-brown alliance you imbecile.


File: 1608528049477.png ( 209.05 KB , 600x333 , voosh.png )

>Too bad if it was historically accurate Bob would be using the bone to beat the hobgoblin to death
Oh in the 20th centuries definitely! I had that in mind when I decided to use a bone. It could be used both as a weapon and as a toy to play fetch with. This picture is specifically in reference to 2016.

>delusions of red-brown alliance you imbecile.

Um no thank you. Fascism is petite-bourgeois. The point is that both anti-fascism and collaboration with fascists are class collaborationist. I want nothing to do with either side.


t. armchair radical who never had to do street politics


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I don't want to derail this thread but I would be happy to defend this position in another thread.

Even if you disagree with me you should hear the analysis. Read the section on antifascism in this text:



I am so fucking tired of this bullshit, anon. Do you seriously believe that that section is in any way relevant to antifa? It would have made a compelling argument about the Spanish Civil War but you are out of your mind if you think antifa is a "broadest possible alliance of all do-gooders" or class collaborationists. If you want to spread disinfo about them being the henchmen of the Democratic Party or being paid by Soros then please go back to /pol/ or ask your FBI handler to assign you to a different website.


Idk about European antifa, I hear they are a little more militant over the pond. It's not like antifa here is a group. This is definitely relevant to the antifascist actions taken by the GDC and various trot parties. All the antifascist actions I've taken part in have indeed involved broad coalitions of do gooders, ie bourgeois orgs marching with alleged communists. It's a lose lose in terms of how those kind of demos play out. I guess the one good thing is that if we outnumber them then the liberals see which side the cops are on. There's also a false consciousness though that that breeds, because it feels like you've scared them off and are doing something productive, when in reality they just failed to mobilize (as they frequently do) because they aren't a real threat.


File: 1608528051366.jpg ( 65.5 KB , 1500x833 , 1 quintillion hours in Min….jpg )

The Helga (poorly) shelling the GPO?
Not liberty hall and the statue at the top looks right




Hahaha what the fucking lel. The nazis are like bad saturday morning villains


When did the libs use a sonic lobster to push away and bully salvador dali?


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First Spanish astronaut, Luis Carrero Blanco.


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Should be easy


Defenestration of Prague but I don't know which one


Sinn Fein


I like how you made Fidel look like Wario


Mussolini's death?


that'd be upside down


The future?

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