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Mouffe and Laclau reject the centrality of the proletariat and the historical determinism in Marxism

-What do you think about it?
-Could you recommend me some "post-marxist" authors or books?
-Which have been the most recent developments in this "current"?


I think they have some points in their critique of Marx, but their "post-Marxism" is just liberalism with a new coat of paint. They cite Carl Schmitt a lot but ironically just end up recreating the bourgeois myth of parliamentary democracy that Schmitt critiqued so much.


What the fuck is post-marxism?


probably also stuff like Catoriadis who was a marxist first and then have his theory a post-structuralist bend.
Maybe even Adorno and Arendt but they are already to far off marxism to be considered an inverse, or post-ideology form, of it.

>-What do you think about it?
To me this is a complicated issue. I like the critique of historical determinism and the role of the broad proletariat as the revolutionary subject. But I think most post-marxist are, strangely, deterministic and structuralist while describing these qualities to the complete body of Marx's and Engels theoretical output.

>-Could you recommend me some "post-marxist" authors or books?


>–Which have been the most recent developments in this "current"?

I really don't know but from outside I would say that the post-marxist 'scene' is probably quite small and the same is probably true for the disourse.

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