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I know that anarchy is just a state, it is not an ideology; it just means people solving their matters by themselves in an egalitarian manner(as seen by the community). The question is more about what the beginning would be like. I think it would go somewhat along these lines:

> A city of 100.000 people

> Affiliation groups of anarchists dethrone the local state power of their regions of operation
> Anarchists by some means(Public discourse, pamphlets) spread the news that the area was liberated
> In the means which they've chosen, they explain that people can organize their life as it fits them
> Lots of harsh debates will happen between people deciding on what to do
> People start contacting people around the city to organize what to do
> The situation with time will stabilize(not completely, because it cannot always exist because of individual needs) with time, because solutions to general problems of society will be met according to the people
> Many types of community could form from these, bourgeois without the state power to secure their private property, would in places where people wish to abolish it would be completely gone, while in other places if the community wishes to maintain it by their own will, it will remain.
> Some more communist communities, other extremely individualist because of some anarchist influences. It would be probably be a big mass of many different points of view, and probably conflict would hardly stabilize.
> Anarchy successful


I don't think groups of anarchists, as in political groups, will abolish anything. The way I see it capitalism is still mostly an economic relation and therefore can only be abolished on the economic level. Now historicly the working class has never been 'counscious' to the point of acting as an organised, leftist political force. I think it's alot easier to imagine the essential proletariat in the economic centres acting in savage self interest (reduced work, more compensation) stopping production and bringing capitalist relations down with a declared anarchist or even leftist programm. Any group that holds such views acquired them in a environment of capitalist relations, therefore their political form is explicitly capitalist/bourgeoi/politcial. Ones they get rid of the old politcial class they reinstate themselves as the new politicians, since their causes are political to begin with. The difference between capitalism and it's negation is however economic.

I also don't think that some wave of harsh debate culture with popular participation will take place. Most people only care about politics as it consideres their direct situation. So sure, during a revolution alot of people get politicised, but afterwards they become apolitical again. Depending the new post-capitalist order on a bunch of debates held over a long time only ensures the reproduction of capitalist relations: that is that a small amount of nerds (those fucks like us that are interested in this bs) that make all the rules afterwards followed by the masses.

As far as the whole 'anarchist society next to a bourgeoi next to a soviet republic" I think that's kinda utopian. I mean, what keeps the bourgeoi society from accumalating wealth, creating a military and taking what they need from the other societies?

I think living in anarchism would probably suck less than living under capitalism, it would still kinda suck. That's as much oprimism as I allow myself.


A small cave in which 2-4 autists practise gay sex and browbeat each over thoughtcrimes.


massive fissioning and dispersal into smaller enclaves. We've been cooped up so much by capitalist production we want to get away. Production will decrease even further. Perhaps factories/ factory towns will see a revival as trade hubs. A general increase in 'real' economy and decrease in speculation and finance. Travelling nomad bands. Raids against suburban/petty-bourg hold-outs. If anthropology tells us anything the next social hurdle will be relations between the sexes and between a new mode of post-capitalist production and this social revolution, a cultural proliferation will occur. Renaissance in arts and sciences. It will be good.




I think the question of what anarchy will look like, as in, what it'll be if it is finally realised, is a very traditional leftist question. It views anarchy as something not yet here, a heaven we reach after we overcame this world of plight.
To me, anarchy is the call to resist authority in the here and now. It's only participating in wage labor if it's in your benefit, not shying back before acts the state forbids and creating a living space according to your desires.
Obviously this isn't the abolishment of capitalism, some might even say it's life stylist, but if the option is joining a ml or syndicalist micro org and waiting for anarchy to start living my real life according to my desire, like a Christian waits for the afterlife, I know what I'll choose.


>Some more communist communities, other extremely individualist because of some anarchist influences.
>implies communism can not be individualist

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