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File: 1608528387406.png ( 7.07 KB , 203x248 , spooked beyond belief.png )


I have become disabled due to antibiotics side effects and can no longer perform any of my previous hobbies/jobs (music and programming)
How do you cope with permanently losing certain bodily functions?


Take Acid (IF YOU CAN)
or stop taking the drugs


go to gulag retard


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That's a very hard question. I guess everybody has a different way, but you could try to put your energy to use in different endeavors. Like are we talking about the whole body here? If you can keep your mind, you can find solace in it's functioning.
Your body is of course directly connected to your force over the world, but they are still just the instruments of your being. If you loose your ability to physicly force the world, you can still make it subservient by being stronger in mind against it or by being smart against it. That still is within your capability.
Other than that I hope you've got someone who loves you OP.


Try to find a cure? I am sorry man, I doubt anyone here can relate.


I have no experience with that sort of thing, and I am profoundly sorry you have to go through that OP. My only answer would be to acquire new hobbies that you are capable of doing, and that may one day give you the sense of fulfillment that your previous hobbies did. Since you were into music, I would suggest finding another creative outlet in another medium. May I ask what antibiotic it was and for how long you were on it?


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What kind of disability lets you type but not program?

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