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Was Foucault right when he critiqued the "repressive hypothesis" and claimed that sexual liberation was just a different form of power's "deployment of sexuality"? This seems to me a step back from the Situationists and their fight against the colonisation of life by the commodity. Or was the Situationists' idea of an un-alienated life and sexuality an illusion all along? And if yes, is there really no way out of power? Is power even real anymore or just another part of the simulacrum like Baudrillard claimed? I'm having difficulties wrapping my head around all these levels of critique and meta-critique.


Where does Foucault write about that?


History of Sexuality Vol. 1. It's also where he first develops the concept of biopower, which is kinda related.


I could have guessed that… I don't remember the Situationists ever writing about sex, though.


The Situationists and especially Raoul Vaneigem are all about enjoying everyday life, fulfillment of desire and authentic non-alienated human relationships so love plays a big role for them. I guess the whole problem revolves around whether you accept the concept of alienation. The post-structuralists are basically post-Althusserians as far as I understand it.


Despite that, I don't remember even Vaneigem ever mentioning sex explicitly.


how do i get into Foucault? like where do I start?


It's been a while since I read Revolution of Everyday Life, but in his more recent book about the Heresy of the Free Spirit he talks a lot about free love and fulfillment of (sexual) desire and the student movement the Situationists were part of was largely about sexual liberation aswell.

I think it's best to pick a historical topic you're interested in and read the corresponding book to get an idea of his way of thinking i.e. History of Madness for the treatment of madness in the middle ages, Birth of the Clinic for the beginnings of modern medicine, History of Sexuality for victorian age sexuality etc.


Hey guys, I just wanted to extend an invitation to the /leftcel/ board at:
They also have a Tor hidden service at:
We welcome these kind of discussions that touch on how capitalism and sexuality interplay. We could use some nihilist and post leftists on the board. I myself am an egotist.
I think you'll find you posts getting more responses since /leftcel/ seems to have a good deal more traffic than /dead/.
Also, I keep seeing various anons grumble about deleting /dead/. The rest of the mostly tankie bunkechan community seems to really hate you. Your board is basically hidden as it is.

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