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>ctrl+f music
&lt0 results.
ITT We post music.

Old Trees - Violent Resistance




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This is some good shit.


>tfw missed GISM's first and last show outside japan because Roadburn is too expensive
A crustie got in for free by playing GISM covers at the entrance


improvised brutal prog is post-left


>A crustie got in for free by playing GISM covers at the entrance
How do I get powers like this? I want free shit too.


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Some music for these turbulent times
Los Saicos-Demolicion (I read that is considered the origin of punk)
Kaos-Ayacucho Centro de Opresion (Ayacucho Oppression center)

Some demos
Kaos-Fosas comunes (Mass graves)
Autopsia-Sistema y poder (System and power)
Pateando tu kara-Te detesto (I despise you)


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I found this song about Max Stirner but I don't think its author understood Stirner at all:


kinda strange, didnt really get what he was going for with that verses


holy shit this owns
are you peruvian or how did you come upon this?


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more anarchist music like this?
on a side note, why does greece of all places seem to have a prominent anarchist movement?



she's based and egopilled
>inb4 elitists start shitting on me for posting muh normies


consoomer hedonism is the poor man's egoism


imagine gatekeeping egoism


Wasn't Stirner the first to do that?


i'll do what i want to my property


Like it or not, part I is pretty based, even if little naive. Problems start with part II. I mean, what the fuck. Does he try to use Stirner to justify why wars happen?


Stirner was my property :)


>Does he try to use Stirner to justify why wars happen?
To me it sound more like he explaining how they are able to happen, because ppl are willing to throw away themselves in favor of the Man.


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Reviving this threat because listening to music is one of the few truely unalienated acts left. The reason music speaks to us, why we feel music, is that we find ourselves in it. The emotional content inside music is never a foreign thing, because it's our own perception that which is the source. If music wasnt listened to by someone it would just be a series of tones with no further connotations - so we find ourselves in the music we like.





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part of a double single




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