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According to experts, the Gregorian calendar was introduced to better reflect the time it takes Earth to orbit the Sun. But it is believed by many that as many as 11 days were lost from the year that was once determined by the Julian calendar.

Over time these lost days add up and now a conspiracy theory has cropped up which claims that we should actually be in the year 2012, not 2020.

In a since deleted tweet, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin reportedly said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012. The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days. For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

Following this theory, June 21, 2020 would actually be December 21, 2012.

It may be recalled that in 2012, December 21 was proposed by some as the end of the world by conspiracy theorists.


when will this optimistic end of the world shit end? there is no end, we're here until entropy claims us and have to do everything ourselves in the meantime


doesn't matter, faggot


When will you cowards admit that the world has already ended?


The world already ended in 2012. We are all in purgatory.


Idgaf about the Maya. Please tell me why some slave society that didn't know shit about the world (like for example that other continents with humans exist) is to be believed about anything? Their priests prob also held that the world would end if they stopped giving sacrifices to their gods, but the world is still turning.
Without a doubt it's time for the world to end, but we need something better then some ancient prophecies to get the job done.


Dawn of The Final Day




welcome to year zero day zero


The whole 2012 apocalypse theory is based on the fact that the 12th Baktun was ending in 2012 and any modifications of the theory is silly.

We should go back to listening to crazy Abrahamists again.


And… literally nothing happened


>corona virus

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