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is anyone here actually post-left?


>hairy anprim gfstopped reading right there


>>397fuck off transhumanist. cave people best people


unga bunga


Turkey, Spain, Serbia are brothers


Yes. I have signed books by Bob Black and have spoken with him on several occasions. I'm also part of my local CrimeThinc


>>403I thought CrimeThinc was dead. How's that ging for ya?


>>418They have a blog and a podcast, both are pretty active. They matured a lot so there are no more stories about fucking on rooftops though.


something like it. Love Marx but not only Marx. I don't like what generally goes by 'post-left' it seems like impotent sophistication that doesn't say much. I hope this board can host esoteric/mystic/primmie discussion that would get run out of /leftypol/. But the board's pretty /dead/.


I don't like post-left's rejection of mass politics and organisation. Otherwise they're cool in my book. I also like some of the stuff CrimethInc. punishes, regardless of what I think about them as an organisation.


Came to answer this question, saw the last post is me.


Yes. I can guarantee you I am the postiest post-everything on this whole chan. I can out-postleft all of you.


Have you read Jason McQuinn's critiques of organization and organizationalism?


No, I haven't. I will now.


I'm definetly an anrcho-egoist, but I'm just now getting into contemporary post-left works. Alot of it makes sense, however I'm pretty skeptical of notions aspects like giving up on organisation (of the working class) and shit like primitivism and mysticism seem like a joke to me.


primitivism and mysticism is a joke but the rest of post-left and post-anarchism is pretty good


I'd kill for that


Based. KARA BOGA energy


I'm like a mix of Classical Proudhonianism and Post Left. I typically agree with most Post Left criticisms minus organization and anti civ. I disbelieve in the class struggle as antiquated, and our relationship to the Left is detrimental for Anarchy.


IDK. But there should be something like post-/leftypol/ because im starting to experience that right now


That's this board fam


Last time I checked, it was called /dead/


Because the left is /dead/


no its for liberals but I like anarcho-nihilism


Tbh all these labels like post-left seem in practice like a bunch of hipster and anarchist larping. But I increasingly despise the "left" in the broadest sense of the term (anything from liberalism to anarchism to communism) while appreciating the extremist part of the left. In that sense "post-left" is not a bad term.
What I despise about the left is the utopia of integrating everybody into a single perfect, all-inclusive, good system. The left and the right have the same goal of a perfect system, a "final solution". It's just that their means are different: whereas the left's strategy is integration, the right's strategy is extermination. But both want to get rid of any antagonism, violence, conflict, chance, fate, etc. They both want to get rid of the accursed share. Integration is just a more cunning way of exterminating this accursed share, which is why I despise the left more whereas the right are useful idiots because the effects of their politics are more often ironic and counter-productive.


"We want a world where every world fits"
-t. zapatistas
Maybe your local leftists suck, but not to be a dick, I think you have a lot of residual idealism and liberalism as well. The left in theory should be fighting for self-emancipation and self-determination, with common ownership of property, and the asymptotic abolition of work.

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