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It's transgenerational, too. How fucked are we?




Ur going to die




>>345jokes on them, im already autist by growing with a computer as only social link


Autism is good tho. The negatives are pretty much entirely null if everyone in the room is also autistic.


>Autism is a superpower

Im so fucking tired of hearing this.

As someone who has it, I think its the ultinate curse. Even cancer would be better.
Glorification of autism is coping for lack of childhood adventurism.


This so much. I would never wish this on anyone.

Of course, "autism" is a political diagnosis. If the diagnosis was brain inflammation or something other people did in the past, that is something that allowed the "retard" agency to change his situation. "Autism" is absolute autism score 0, the creation of living abortions. They don't want you to have anything, ever.

So much of "autism" is nothing more than a description of the most abject slave, a living abortion, a ritual sacrifice, and nothing more. They don't care what actually happens within us, or want us to exist at all. They only want a world of people as Satanic at them, who live for the thrill of torture. That's "normal" under eugenics.

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