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/dead/ - dead

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File: 1608528441113-0.png ( 218.23 KB , 495x440 , unknown-5.png )

File: 1608528441113-1.png ( 239.18 KB , 495x440 , unknown-8.png )


So /dead/ let's see what've you got as edits


File: 1608528441244.png ( 149.77 KB , 396x322 , chaos_garfeild.png )



Amazin art.


Isn't that some fascist symbol?


didnt you know that posties are basically fascist?



>Tfw you get banned for chaosposting


I had no idea. Why would they be?


We're the milk and drug fash. We must seek the safety of our milk and drugs in order to protect the nonexistent structure of chaos.

Also lefties call us fashies because they mix the chaos symbol and schwarze sonne then go apeshit about it


lets be real, they call us fascist because they can call everything they dont like fascist
we're too individualist, like nazis of course
we're too edgy, like nazis
our demographic is way too white apparently (like naz- wait nvm)
we are okay with use of violence by individuals, which to some people is literally fascism
crime is bad for society and thus, fascist reactionary hooliganism
lots of us critique progress and modernity, so we're tradcath nazoids obv
skeletons and skulls are fascist because they represent death and fascism is a death cult or something
but the ultimate one
we disagree with them, therefore we're reactionary scum who have to be purged, aka fascists


nigga what


some good points but i actually wish we were less edgy and i'm not sure whether we're "white"


yeah i know a good deal of nonwhite posties but well… i guess in america the demographics if everything else is equal will trend white anyways, and postoidisms is pretty anglo
anyways its just a criticism i see get thrown


It's anglo? I thought it was a South European thing.


the "post-left" meme is american, but there are lots of insurrectionary anarchists in europe, especially france and greece


File: 1608528449580.jpg ( 291.18 KB , 750x869 , smug_nechayev.jpg )

no chaos edit but have a Smug Sergey


we need more sergey edits. they're so underrated


he was turbospooked though


File: 1608528450199-0.png ( 188.58 KB , 500x573 , 1469311534601.png )

File: 1608528450199-1.jpg ( 110.22 KB , 453x576 , post-left_conspiracy.jpg )

here are some more rare Sergeys

simply reappropriate his image for shitposting famrade


tdlr on this guy?


he wrote poetry


What did this dog do besides write a shitty manifesto?


He wrote some edgy shit about totally sacrificing and submitting yourself to the "Revolution" that later influenced Lenin, the Bolsheviks and every other imbecile who claims to be the experts of discontent. He was basically the exact opposite of what /dead/ claims to be.


>submitting yourself to the "Revolution"
yeah that's pretty cringe. obviously, the emancipation of the working class is achieved by the workers totally submitting themselves to an idea.

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