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i like the way delluze and early land write in that they write in ways that are intriguing to read i guess idk

dark deluze is what im always reccomended for people new to deluze


ive honestly only heard the name so far but I'm really interested.
how would you sum up delluzes work in short terms?


> AO
don't be fascist bro, seriously don't do it


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what's AO?
help ;_;


he's called deleuze and yes, him and other french nietzscheans like foucault have been influential on anarchist thought.




she looks cute


Whaaat? I'm so lost! What made my post anti-oedipus?


It's a book by Deleuze and Guattari, and "don't be fascist bro, seriously don't do it" is its summary.


ah i see, thanks for clearing that up!


>"don't be fascist bro, seriously don't do it" is its summary.
have you read a single page of anti-oedipus or are you just some /pol/ and/or /leftypol/ crossposter?


I did not make the original post I just interpreted it for anon


Mentioning freud seemed unnecessary but please provide a better description without getting lost in lingo that doesn't really help


It's also important to mention foucaults intro makes this exact same point, desiring machines is more than just theoretical jargon


how would you sum up anti-oedipus?
or is it too thicc of a book to even be summed up in short terms?


most of what i know from deluze is from memes but the og work reads like a meme also


Deleuze collaborated with Negri and was thus a big influence on autonomist Marxism.
As far as I know he has not had a major influence on post-left anarchy, which mainly took influence (when talking libertarian Marxism) from the Situationists, but mostly from American insurrectionary anarchists and anarcho-primitivists.


it's not that it's particularly long but very varied. it contains a thorough critique of freudianism (as the title suggests) and a new leftist historiography addressing the shortcomings of historical materialism to mention two of the most important aspects.

the first few pages are pretty memeable that's true


>early land
Is "Meltdown" early Land? Because that's the only thing I've read from him.


early land, note the astonishing lack of racism


There's a paragraph about a mixed latin-asian transgender "cyborg" prostitute.
I'm not sure it was reactionary but it was funny to read :
"Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino
stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a
polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have
just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic."


Is Deleuze actually an anarchist?


locus solus 2


Is Deleuze easy to read? I kind of wanna read it but I'm dumb.


I don't think he called himself that but he's not exactly pro-state or capitalism so it's easy to read him as one. Read the work of Saul Newman, he coined the term postanarchism which is post-structuralism + anarchism. (Deleuze, Derrida, etc.)


No but that's part of the fun. He's trying to get people to think in different ways than they're typically taught to. It's not straight forward but you're supposed to see what you get out of it.
Here's a quote from him about reading books:

"There are, you see, two ways of reading a book: you either see it as a box with something inside and start looking for what it signifies, and then if you're even more perverse or depraved you set off after signifiers. And you treat the next book like a box contained in the first or containing it. And you annotate and interpret and question, and write a book about the book, and so on and on. Or there's the other way: you see the book as a little non-signifying machine, and the only question is "Does it work, and how does it work?" How does it work for you? If it doesn't work, if nothing comes through, you try another book. This second way of reading's intensive: something comes through or it doesn't. There's nothing to explain, nothing to understand, nothing to interpret."


i'm somewhat suspicious of the "post-anarchist" crowd. michel onfray for example is a gigantic hack who some while ago had a public meltdown over greta thunberg.
i don't think you need "post-anarchist" secondary lit to see how someone like foucault or deleuze can be useful for an anarchist analysis of society. just read them first-hand.


I don't really consider Onfray a part of the same circles as Newman, Todd May, Bob Black, Wolfi Landstreicher etc although I know what you mean


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Why the hell is a non-signifying machine?


he's saying instead of desperately looking for some authoritative meaning in a book, try looking for something that resonates with you


Isn't that how most people read?


most people don't read


No, most people ask questions like "What does that mean?" As if there's a single answer. You just did it now.


Oh I'm not looking for a canon answer I'm okay with what you make of it.


>you see the book as a little non-signifying machine, and the only question is "Does it work, and how does it work?" How does it work for you? If it doesn't work, if nothing comes through, you try another book
I usually read books like that but I though I was dumb to read this way, thanks Deleuze!


People are obsessed with the "true meaning" of media
Just look at the trillions of ENDING EXPLAINED videos of the most basic movies


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I doubt that it is because they are looking for a single true interpretation. Knowing myself and my environment they are probably consuming all kinds of shit in a hurry feeling like they have already wasted too much of their life and are missing out, trying to cover in ten minutes what others have dedicated their whole lives to. They watch the explanation video not because they don't trust their own understanding but because they don't have an understanding, they zoned out or something and having just finished it they have already "forgotten" what the fuck they were just reading a second ago. Instead of making sense of the book they are left only with the shit that sticks and vague impressions, which is what Deleuze seems to be recommending.


>making sense
cringe and arborescent


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That might be the reason behind the 'X ending explained' videos, but have you tipped your toe into the hellish pond of 'lore discussion' videos?
It can't be that those are popular just because ppl want to get the gist of a fictional story, because those nerds discuss different interpretations of the same subject and it seems very important to them to declare their perspective as canon.
This seems even more pointless to me, since canonity is just a ridiculous concept to begin with! When talking about FICTIONAL events, one interpretation can't be more true than another, in fact none of them can be true, because the subject at hand is fucking fictional! Still there are ppl sinking endless hours not only in discussing this bs but also researching it. If folks put the same kind of energy into discussing and researching the real world, elnlightenment maybe wouldn't have failed so hard.


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Is it widespread, though? Maybe I'm just dumb lol


>Is it widespread, though?
I think so (maybe bc that shit is ALWAYS in my recommendations).
there are several video serieses with klicks in the half-millions.

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