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I've noticed a severe lack of touhou-related threads. Here, let me fix this problem


Those games are fucking impossible.


I'm such a fucking noob, even on normal i get my ass kicked


What is the easiest game to get started on?


Most fans regard touhou 7 to be the easiest in the series so you should probably play that one


all the games from 1 to 5 are stupidly easy, but are not considered canon. start from the 6th, try completing +50% of the game in a single run, then increase the difficulty and repeat until you can reliably do the three first levels on the highest difficulty, then try beating the game on the easiest difficulty


Most are in fact on the easy-medium end of the scrolling shooter difficulty spectrum.


How are they not considered canon? I didn't even know there was a story tbh


Oh touhou does have a story


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Well, i knew this thread would not have made it so i'm gonna keep it on life support by posting random images of the 2hus


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Are the touhou gam a for Linux?


Nope they're for windows


These games look like they would probably run on linux via wine


This is surprisingly good (well… it's about as good as ZUN's lousy games):


Would eat


You can run them in wine, and somebody made a good pack last year for PC98 that runs well on both Linux and Windows out of the box.


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Are you referring to the Touhou98 Experience?

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