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The worst thing about modern isekai is all the good or even decent stuff is nowhere near reaching a satisfying conclusion yet. Which do you think will conclude first?


what are some good isekai?


After countless hours of watching anime with a weeaboo friend, I can safely say that there isn't any.
Jobless Reincarnation is alright, if you can tolerate the loli bullshit. Everything else is either outright trash or jumped the shark at some point.


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>Tolerating loli


Konosuba, Re:zero, and Mushoku Tensei


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I hear a lot about this show.
What's the plot about?


Well the plot is a bit different between the show and movie (they each stand on their own merits), but without giving too many spoilers they're both about a girl dropped into a world with steampunk mechs who helps a deposed prince take revenge on the ones who killed everyone in his kingdom.


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I never watched any isekai post-SAO but I will always shill Twelve Kingdoms.


Gave this a watch on your recommendation anon. It was all right but I felt like the whole story was some kind of argument for Legalism. Maybe it's easier to remember coming from a native east Asian language speaker but I felt like there was a huge amount of special words for all the different kinds of people and the terminology felt overwhelming to keep up with at times. Also didn't appreciate [spoiler]how the whole Tai plotline was never resolved. Asano had a hard life.[/spoiler]


Gave this a watch on your recommendation anon. It was all right but I felt like the whole story was some kind of argument for Legalism. Maybe it's easier to remember coming from a native east Asian language speaker but I felt like there was a huge amount of special words for all the different kinds of people and the terminology felt overwhelming to keep up with at times. Also didn't appreciate [spoilers]how the whole Tai plotline was never resolved. Asano had a hard life.[/spoilers] Also ending the series on a filler/review episode? That's pretty cruel.


Fuck it, I can't keep up with changing markup syntax anymore.




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So is the whole world some kind of simulation built for him without him realizing it? Is that why the things he makes up end up coming true?


Is there an isekai where the main character actually has to overcome powerful enemies with their wits and guile? I'm getting a little tired of brats becoming unstoppable demigods with some cheat ability.


Dr.Stone sorta counts. Same world but like, overgrown future where no tech exists.


I wonder if any boards use commonmark or whatever the GitHub thing is.


That's not an isekai, no one ever even gets hit by a truck.


Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World is very good in that regard. There is another Karate isekai manga I initially mistook this for, but it's completely different.


Pretty bleak mango tbh.


Well, that's what happens when you try to be more realistic. I quite like it.


I have finally continued watching. Hitogami butt dance is wonderful.

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