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/a/ - Anime

Weeb and Otaku shit.
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>he just beats up some goons and the boss for tens of episodes
I watched like 80 episodes and that's pretty much all that has happened. The fights are bad ass, some people say the animation is bad, it's okay in my opinion.


Isn't there a deeper story behind the scenes at least?


The bad guys come into the shitty city/village and kill random villagers easily, and then ken!, Kills them. It would be cool to watch bi-weekly I guess.


Ah, I mean, yeah, I have heard people excuse this, however, because back in the day a lot of "monster of the week" type shit was airing on television and it was really popular. Even if it wasn't necessarily the best. People insist Fist of the Northstar is dope, though. A lot of those action scenes are p cool, lol.


It's fucking gold comedy

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