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What made millions of people go and decide to masturbate to these mentally unwell and emotionally abusive (whether they know it or not) women?


Wait… People actually masterbate to anime?

Wait, there's more…? These same people think they competent enough to vote, let alone staff some imaginary DotP?

Talk about a psyop.


If you masturbate to anime you are the problem.


I mean to say if you fapped to evangelion, anno thinks you are the problem.


Why? This is dumn. Anime girls are literally perfect in everyway


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>Come join our revolutionary theorycels circle. We read Stalin, muse about modern anti-racist praxis, and debate about which anime girl is our ideal waifu




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>You can't like anything and if you do you are a neckbeard/basment dweller/etc etc etc etc



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>>You can't like anything and if you do you are a neckbeard/basment dweller/etc etc etc etc


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Post chin


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Where did all the polfags come from anyways?


Someone had to resuscitate this dead board.

If it wasn't for 'polfags,' this board would exclusively be constrained to LARPy arguments over Ukraine/Russia and venting about existential despair/prolonged virginity




This is deff a very salty org fag



Post gf


This show reminds me of how a lot of fans of Gangsta Rap loved "Scarface" even though the ending is a clear admonishment of that lifestyle.
Anno made a indulgent self loathing anime which perfectly pandered to the self importance of his audience right down to the pseudo religious symbolism that Anno openly admits is bullshit. But gives fodder to the pseudo intellectual musings of ignorant anime fans that have never even looked at a bible much less read it.
The final act of the original run has Anno via his character proxies scold the audience for being hermit misanthropes but the audience apparently closes their eyes during this part.
To be fair to them, the show could not do more to kiss their ass all the way until the end, when like some druken father, goes from 0 to 100 in a second and rips them a new one.
I think the depiction of the dysfunction of the characters is pretty good but the story is so god damn butt fucking stupid. It reads like a fan fic, especially Shinji's "I'll show you dad" character arch.
People who are attracted to female characters were emotionally neglected by their mothers and are drawn to the same type of broken woman.
Except for Misato, I'm not sure why she's considered dysfunctional except for chasing a Chad.


Gainax bounce and サービス!サービス!


Everyone knows Hikari was the only waifu material in that show.


>Except for Misato, I'm not sure why she's considered dysfunctional except for chasing a Chad
Oh yeah Misato is the least fucked up and most likeable. Misato being a complete slob, and then having no problem with her 14 year old ward who is also a child solider, do most of the cleaning, is still messed up.


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>Normoid Nº 7bln and counting wonders why the female archetypes in the incel classic captivate humanity's imagination so much

MisatoXShinji with reversed roles is the best fanfic never written

they are fucking ideal for each other with that reversed age gap - Shinji being immature and Misato mature for their respective age


It goes against the premise of the show


But wouldn't it be pedo?


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Anno is just a human being. A proxy for an Idea. His opinions are irrelevant. Eva is larger than just Anno.

>pseudo religious symbolism that Anno openly admits is bullshit

kek, this is precisely why I say Anno is irrelevant

you should re-watch the end of the EOE more closely, normoid

even if Anno DIDN'T MEAN to make a religious subtext, he DID IT anyway lol, and in the most PRIMAL of senses at that

kek, an artist trying to fight his own creation.. the hate, the futility..

the Art is fucking beautiful, isn't it, normoid? of course not, who am I asking


it is pedo anyway


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Would the story still be about Shinji needing convincing to get in the robot by Misato or would it be reversed?


It would be reversed in a sense that Misato would be eager to get into the robot, because her father (she's a daddy's girl) was killed in the Second Impact, while Shinji would be against it, because Gendo wants it (he's a daddy's boy).

There is SO MUCH you could do with this, I get pissed at Anno with his pathetic reboot.


>Anno with his pathetic reboot.


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>There is SO MUCH you could do with this
ESPECIALLY considering the ending.

Imagine a reverse where Shinji saves Misato. Imagine Misato rejecting complementarity because she knows Shinji rejected it even as he was dying. Imagine her waking up alone on the shores of the Red Sea. IMAGINE her nailing his token to the fucking cross.



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Seriously. It's almost insulting.

Asukafags get their EOE. Ayanamifags get their manga. But what do we, Misato enjoyers, get? Getting cucked by Kaji? HUH, ANNO?! I'LL REAP YOUR FUCKING EARS OFF!


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They're all the worst girls. The best girl is obviously Hikari. She's the only normal one, and she would never date you because you're a loser.


fuck u uygha T_T


>Someone had to resuscitate this dead board.
/pol/fag infestation are the maggots of a corpse.
Luckily they don't seem that common lately, probably because he have more ogre refugees


that Beccy got 2 seconds of screen time and nobody even noticed her absence by the end lol

incels don't want a """normal""" boring ass femoid, bluepilloid

we want the HIGH, the RUSH

that's the main take away from Evangelion


>don't want a """normal""" boring ass
isn't this what a redpill/blackpill man hypothetically complains about when talking about what women want?


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>incels don't want a """normal""" boring ass femoid, bluepilloid
That's also why ER was so obsessed with blonde Stacies - he knew you need to shoot them for the stars or die trying


redpill yes, blackpill no

you're fucking clueless


>ogre refugees
speaking about maggots..

just take your hrt meds already and go post gayzone articles on ogre

it would be better for your mental health in the long run, xister


we want it ALL

you hear me normoids? that's why blackpill always emphasizes the importance of the first teen love - the pure chemical overload must be mind blowing!

to think I was ROBBED of this fundamental experience.. it makes me want to recovER


you're mean and it's offputting and it makes me not want to post here


then don't post. problem solved normoid


but will you complain about the site being slow or dead?


nah, I never complain about death


i hear people talk about death all the time but not everyone goes through with it, why is that?


dunno about """people""" normoid

I don't go thru with it because even tho I drew a shit ticket in this life, I still CANNOT not see beauty in this world.

It's really ironic that someone like me still craves life so much while all normoids are so eager to die lol.

How is it that I don't even need my eyes to SEE beauty, while they are blind with open eyes?


how are you gonna be an incel poster and talking about seeing beauty in the world?


Seriously, Freud didn't even notice himself how hard he hit the nail on the head with his Death Drive lol. Even his Sex Drive is just a by-product of the Death Drive - no wonder life gets an urge to fuck in grave danger situations.


maybe it is because I'm an incel that I can see beauty? would explain why normoids cannot see it..


How are they abusive. And why is Misato considered mentally ill?


Misato is literally a pedophile.


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They are considered mentally ill because normoids are still too close to the animal kingdom and have an instinctive urge to destroy anyone who is different. Atavistic herd survival instinct that our butt naked ancestors used to survive in the harsh neolithic period.

Misato is the most abusive of the bunch tho, because for Shinji she is the symbolic representation of soyciety, due to her being a status quo slave constantly guilt tripping him to DIE for humanity. The same humanity that doesn't give a shit about him as an individual.

It took her literally being on the verge of death to actually cut that conformist normoid bullcrap and talk to Shinji as an actual human being to make him get into the fucking robot.

It speaks VOLUMES that normoids think Misato is the most sane of the bunch lol. That's why I love Evangelion - it tells you things about people.


oh, and she is also Shinji's landlord and commanding officer - as I say, a symbolic representation of the apparatus


>she is the symbolic representation of soyciety, due to her being a status quo slave
and that's also why a reverse roles situation has so much potential - Shinji is anything but a normoid

Him being bullied into a role of the status quo enforcer by Gendo would make him fucking snap kek


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>guilt tripping him to DIE for humanity
KEK, just thinking about it brings a big smile to my face

the whole narrative is a pure fucking stroke of genius honestly - the whole show normoids get pampered with "it's all about humanity, get into the fucking robot" narrative..
only to get bitchslapped at the very end by hoomanity turning into a fucking soup and all being about one individual - Shinji.


Sorry to break it to you Anno, but only a true fellow incel could've engineered this. There is no running from yourself.


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>why the female archetypes in the incel classic captivate humanity's imagination so much
hell, Eva even has the best gay archetype

in the manga Sadamoto even upped it up a bit with Kaworu being """infected""" with Ayanami's emotions when Armisael was mind-raping them

It's no coincidence that the only being to try and reach Shinji was a fucking cosmic eldritch entity lol


>that Beccy got 2 seconds of screen time and nobody even noticed her absence by the end lol
Because you watched Eva for the freakshow, not for the best girl. The people who know noticed.
Teenage romance is pretty mid. You're a loser because you think this way. It's like thinking you missed out on having an N64 when you were 8, in spite of being able to have one now. Guess what, loser? It wasn't that great even back then.


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>The people who know noticed.
There is nothing to notice. Her only role was being a sidechick to the Alphabitch.

>Teenage romance is pretty mid.

yeah, I'm not gonna listen to a burned out cynic normoid

I can SEE with my own eyes what I have irrecoverably lost.


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there is an order to all things normoid
you can't just skip a step without there being consequences

if you don't play by the rules of this universe - you get the red card



>There is nothing to notice. Her only role was being a sidechick to the Alphabitch.
Hikari wasn't a self-hating femcel. She ended up with a healthy relationship with a dude who didn't have daddy issues.
>yeah, I'm not gonna listen to a burned out cynic normoid
It's not cynical. Being an adult is better and you're only missing out on an idea of what you think existed, but never did. You are obsessed over a fourth-order simulacrum, that does not and never did exist. Asuka is (Not) Real.


There isn't. You got a late start. That doesn't mean you missed out on something. You'll continue to be an unhealthy loser with that mindset. Asuka is shit. Rei is shit. Misato is shit. You know this to be true.


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>Hikari wasn't a self-hating femcel.
yeah, she's a """normal""" chadsexual femoid

>She ended up with a healthy relationship with a dude who didn't have daddy issues.

yeah lol, she ended up with a Chad

why should I care about her again?

>Being an adult is better and you're only missing out on an idea of what you think existed, but never did.

normoid cope

being an adult sucks - you're just an empty burned out husk, whose only purpose is to slave away, reproduce, and die in wars

you're not trying to convince me here normoid, you're trying to convince YOURSELF

>Asuka is (Not) Real.

She's pretty real to me. At least more real than your normoid ass.


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>There isn't. You got a late start. That doesn't mean you missed out on something.
Unmaterialist cope. You can't get to complex atoms without going through Hydrogen and Helium first.

>You'll continue to be an unhealthy loser with that mindset.

You consciousness is not magic normoid. Wake the fuck up.

>Asuka is shit. Rei is shit. Misato is shit. You know this to be true.

poor gaslighting attempt

You don't have any power here, Anno. Your absolute creative bankruptcy proved it.


>yeah, she's a """normal""" chadsexual femoid
No. That's Asuka. Toji is a normal boy that isn't popular with girls. Just that one girl likes him.
>yeah lol, she ended up with a Chad
Toji is a normal boy. If you think that's a chad, then your standards are really low. Kaji is a chad. Toji is just a normal boy.
>why should I care about her again?
You shouldn't. Obviously she's out of your league. Get yourself a mentally deficient girl instead.
>being an adult sucks
If you suck, then yes. If you're actually a functioning member of society, it's actually pretty good. Face it, you're a loser, fam.
>She's pretty real to me. At least more real than your normoid ass.
But you know I'm real. This is why it hurts you so much to admit it. Asuka would never date (you) either because you're an even bigger loser than Shinji.
>Unmaterialist cope. You can't get to complex atoms without going through Hydrogen and Helium first.
Teenage romance isn't the H and He to your U. Most people don't have the kind of romance you're thinking of and they manage to be functional adults just fine. Also, I wouldn't exactly call what happened between Asuka and Shinji to be "romantic."
>You consciousness is not magic normoid. Wake the fuck up.
No. It's not. However, how you face your problems is very much real, and you've faced your problems by retreating from the whole. I'm pretty sure there are two whole episodes at the end of the series dedicated to your shit. Get over it.
>You don't have any power here, Anno. Your absolute creative bankruptcy proved it.
I am not Hideaki Anno, but if I was, I would tell you the same thing. Anno knows you're a loser, but you can rise beyond that if you so choose. Or you can stay in your orange tang of a life forever.


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>No. That's Asuka.
nah, she's actually naturally attracted to Shinji
and that pisses her off to no end kek

>Toji is a normal boy that isn't popular with girls. Just that one girl likes him.

yeeeeeeeea, a tall, athletic, low inhib, aggressive, 14-years old kid JUST SO HAPPENS to be that one girls erotic dream kek

that kid had the whole teenage years ahead of him, he would be swimming in pussy if his life wasn't so tragically cut short by a certain ayy-lmao kek

speaking of which, that's why even if Anno is a self-hating bluepilled incel, he was STILL blackpilled on a FUNDAMENTAL level when he was making OG Eva and all

the """normal""" Chad hero that is eager to get into the fucking robot to save muh hoomanity gets fucking assraped by Angel and wreaks havoc on the city and Shinji is forced to deal with his ass

material reality (being a fucking 30+ virgin) wins again kek, want you this or not

>Kaji is a chad.

Kaji is a grown up prime Chad. Toji is a wee-chad.

>Obviously she's out of your league.

what I've said - she's chadsexual

>Get yourself a mentally deficient girl instead.

better to have a mentally unstable girl who's into you, than a chadsexual """normal""" girl who is locked on a chad lol

>If you're actually a functioning member of society, it's actually pretty good.

what is "functioning" means here? being a capitalist? politician? whoretuber?

>But you know I'm real.

Yes. And Asuka is still more real. That's what I said kek.

Seeing as your dumbass ass has difficulties with grasping the concept of virtual, look into the so-called "Ego Tunnel"

>Asuka would never date (you) either because you're an even bigger loser than Shinji.

Shinji is a real good self-insert for me. Anno being an incel made sure of it kek.

>Most people don't have the kind of romance you're thinking of and they manage to be functional adults just fine.

<most bluepillers never experienced the heights of the teenlove and they still live fulfilling betabux lives!



>Also, I wouldn't exactly call what happened between Asuka and Shinji to be "romantic."

Nah, best love story ever told. It had everything. And that touch at the end..

worthy of the new Adam and Eve

>However, how you face your problems is very much real

I've faced my problems of being a sub8male by not being a pathetic betabux.

>I'm pretty sure there are two whole episodes at the end of the series dedicated to your shit.

And I'm pretty sure that Anno is a bluepilled self-hating cuck. That's also a one-trick pony.

>Get over it.

Still not gonna date your overweight single mother, mr "functional adult".

>Anno knows you're a loser, but you can rise beyond that if you so choose.

Anno knows jack shit.

He made a fucking masterpiece on the pure instinct alone. As soon as he got rich and suddenly (!!!) found a femoid - he only produced uninspired mediocrity.


Why? I honestly never saw that suggested but people keep saying it.


>Misato is the most abusive of the bunch tho, because for Shinji she is the symbolic representation of soyciety, due to her being a status quo slave constantly guilt tripping him to DIE for humanity. The same humanity that doesn't give a shit about him as an individual.
See this is why I think Eva is such crap. I always thought that she treated Shinji like that because the Angels were an existential threat and children were the only ones that could pilot the evas. I thought Misato's "abuse" was just the decisions of someone pushed into a corner.
If this clusterfuck of a story had ever suggested that there was an alternative to fighting the angels or child pilots I could see Misato being abusive.
I really only viewed her as someone that was immature but that makes sense since she's only in her early 20's.


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>Except for Misato, I'm not sure why she's considered dysfunctional except for chasing a Chad.
Yeah, she just seems like one of those rare women that's a bro. That's the reason why the Chad she chases keeps her at arm's length, he doesn't want someone so masculine. Ironically a soft boy like Shinji is the type of man that'd be most attracted to her.
I think weebs find her abusive because they've never met women like this. They're used to over socialized western women that are constantly triangulating their social ties. Misato, for whatever reason, was never conditioned to plot like this. Vietnamese women are like this and every other Asian country accuses them of everything they accuse Misato of, being abrasive and boorish, but I find it refreshing.
If you can handle someone you're in a relationship being honest about what they feel about you, instead of telling you something to influence you to some already predetermined goal, then you could Handle Misato.
>This show reminds me of how a lot of fans of Gangsta Rap loved "Scarface" even though the ending is a clear admonishment of that lifestyle.
I'm sorry but Eva is nothing like Scarface. They show from the first frame that Scarface as being a bad person, having been cynically sent to Florida by Castro to disrupt their Cuban refugee program.
Eva on the other hand panders to the navel gazing of misanthropic NEETs all the way until the end where Anno has this bizarre crises consciousness. You said so yourself.
Anno was a self loathing schizo who's only real talent is animation not story telling.


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Tfw you check the overboard and anons are talking about the femdom anime girls again


She promises to fuck Shinji in EoE. If she was a man, her actions would be considered pedophilic.


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she tried to fuck a 14-years old boy

you could say she got caught in the moment due to the "chad withdrawal syndrome", but you could as well say she just has hots for Shinji

that was one hell of a kiss, after all, even for apocalypse


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>She promises to fuck Shinji in EoE.
in the show she straight up tried to fuck him after Kaji died

there's even phallus symbolism in the scene


>nah, she's actually naturally attracted to Shinji
No. She comes to be attracted to him in spite of him being pathetic, not because of it. Shinji may be a loser, but he's a kind loser, and has something that Asuka does not.
>yeeeeeeeea, a tall, athletic, low inhib, aggressive, 14-years old kid JUST SO HAPPENS to be that one girls erotic dream kek
You're making the mistake in thinking that's all there is to chadom. That's not the case. Kaworu is more of a chad than Toji. Being low inhibition doesn't make you chad either. He's a likeable boy, but he isn't pulling pussy left and right. None of the other girls like him.
>that kid had the whole teenage years ahead of him, he would be swimming in pussy if his life wasn't so tragically cut short by a certain ayy-lmao kek
He was 14, and his friends were losers. He wasn't popular for a good reason. Not every girl likes that kind of boy, and he's not said to be particularly handsome.
>speaking of which, that's why even if Anno is a self-hating bluepilled incel, he was STILL blackpilled on a FUNDAMENTAL level when he was making OG Eva and all
Blackpilled would be all the girls being into Toji and not Shinji. If we're going by individual encounters, Shinji is more of a chad than Toji.
>Kaji is a grown up prime Chad. Toji is a wee-chad.
Wrong. Toji doesn't have the personality that Kaji has and never will. Kaji is a chad because he's good-looking, smart, and knows his way around a woman. Toji is a fucking idiot.
>what I've said - she's chadsexual
No. She's Tojisexual. Toji is a normal boy, unlike you. Toji is optimistic and hardworking. You're a cynical failure. This is why you can't pull a Hikari.
>better to have a mentally unstable girl who's into you, than a chadsexual """normal""" girl who is locked on a chad lol
You can have a girl that's just normal. She doesn't have to have mental illness. This isn't actually a good thing.
>what is "functioning" means here? being a capitalist? politician? whoretuber?
You live under capitalism. That's not going away just because you want it to. I still make money and investments because not doing so under the current material conditions is a recipe for poverty.
>Yes. And Asuka is still more real. That's what I said kek.
No. You just have a mental illness. You need therapy, and maybe Jesus as well.
>Shinji is a real good self-insert for me. Anno being an incel made sure of it kek.
Shinji isn't an incel, though. Girls actually like him, multiple girls. Literally no girl likes you.
>most bluepillers never experienced the heights of the teenlove
There's no such thing. You've made it up in your mind because you've only experienced it through movies and anime. Who are you, an incel, to tell me, who has experienced these things, that your conception of teen relationships are valid? It's simple. You're engaging in idealism.
You don't have to date a single mother, anon. I've never dated one. There are plenty of girls out there. You're poisoned by social media. This isn't real, anon. You need to go outside. Leave the sea of LCL.
>Nah, best love story ever told. It had everything. And that touch at the end..
The greatest love story ever told is and remains Toradora. You'll notice the MC is not an incel.
>I've faced my problems of being a sub8male by not being a pathetic betabux.
You don't have to be. You can just make your own money and keep it for yourself. It's literally not an issue unless you're trying to date a desperate stripper, which is something you should avoid.
>And I'm pretty sure that Anno is a bluepilled self-hating cuck. That's also a one-trick pony.
Anno has groupies, anon. In what world is that man a cuck?
>Still not gonna date your overweight single mother, mr "functional adult".
Nobody said you had to lower your standards, anon. You can date good girls. Hell, even some good girls aren't worth it because they don't match your lifestyle. It's really not a big deal. Is that all you think you can amount to IRL? That's really sad. You need to value yourself more.
>Anno knows jack shit.
He knew enough to create your waifu, but manage to hide the best girl from losers.
>He made a fucking masterpiece on the pure instinct alone. As soon as he got rich and suddenly (!!!) found a femoid - he only produced uninspired mediocrity.
No. Anno knows things about art and storytelling that you can't grasp. You're not supposed to hate Asuka. Certainly, sticking your dick in crazy can be fun. However, that does not make for a long-term relationship. You need to learn to stop being a faggot.


Lol, I almost forgot about that.


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>No. She comes to be attracted to him in spite of him being pathetic, not because of it.
No. She comes to be attracted to him because she fucking likes him. It's that simple.

It's a fucking fiction written by a fucking coping incel. Being pathetic has nothing to do with it.

>Shinji may be a loser, but he's a kind loser, and has something that Asuka does not.


yeah, THIS is how a girl looks at someone who just has a """great personality""" and is a """nice guy""" lol


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>He knew enough to create your waifu
he didn't know shit
he was just coping

>You're not supposed to like Asuka.

says who? bluepilled self-hating pathetic fuck?

you don't own shit, Anno, even if a record in a database says you are

the genie is out of the bottle, you don't get to dictate shit, ideas want to be free

this is how your pathetic reboot ACTUALLY ended, by community for community

you can start crying


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>Kaworu is more of a chad than Toji.
Kaworu is gay.

>He's a likeable boy, but he isn't pulling pussy left and right. None of the other girls like him.

how do you know? we only found out Hikari likes him because of Asuka

>He wasn't popular for a good reason.

we know AT LEAST one girl who was dreaming of him

he's confident and has a physique to back it up, he's also a sports fag, a stereotypical "jock", which is a subspecies of Chad

>Blackpilled would be all the girls being into Toji and not Shinji. If we're going by individual encounters, Shinji is more of a chad than Toji.

it was written by a coping deluded incel..
do you seriously expect realism?

>Wrong. Toji doesn't have the personality that Kaji has and never will. Kaji is a chad because he's good-looking, smart, and knows his way around a woman. Toji is a fucking idiot.


you seem to fixated on a particular sub specie of Chad called "Smart fuckboy Chad"

there is also "Idiot Chad", and he gets no less pussy

>No. She's Tojisexual.

yes. chadsexual

>Toji is a normal boy, unlike you.

being a chad is not normal, ie statistically average

it's only normal for feminoids because non-chad men don't register on their radars

>You're a cynical failure.

I'm not a Chad, I'll give you that.

But I have quite a different perception of failure from bluepillers.
For example: Anno is far more of a failure now than he ever was when he was running in panic from prostitutes kek.


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>You live under capitalism. That's not going away just because you want it to. I still make money and investments because not doing so under the current material conditions is a recipe for poverty.
no shit

doesn't mean I have to celebrate this status quo
doesn't mean I shouldn't kick it if I see it clinging to the cliff

>You need therapy, and maybe Jesus as well.

can I get Allah over Jesus?

>Shinji isn't an incel, though. Girls actually like him, multiple girls. Literally no girl likes you.

oh hell no
he's an incel thru and thru, as they say - OG

girls like him because it's fucking fiction dumbass, the whole purpose is for Shinji to be happy

also, one of the girls is his mum, of course she would like him kek

>There's no such thing.

nah, you're just bitter and jaded

That's why I don't envy you - you're in no better position than me

>You need to go outside. Leave the sea of LCL.

you know that in the end hoomanity became the sea of LCL?

>The greatest love story ever told is and remains Toradora.

don't you ever mention that seasonal shlock in one sentence with Evangelion

Eva is fucking true ART. And fucking insanely popular one at that.
I can't even think of anything else that combines those two characteristics.

>In what world is that man a cuck?

In a world where he sold his soul into a brothel.


>yeah, THIS is how a girl looks at someone who just has a """great personality""" and is a """nice guy""" lol
That's actually really common. Girls don't actually know what you look like as long as you're not gross.
>he was just coping
I think you're coping.
>says who? bluepilled self-hating pathetic fuck?
I didn't say what you quoted, and even then, I misspoke. I'm not going to say you're supposed to hate her or not. You can like Asuka, but it's obviously not the foundation of a healthy relationship.
>Kaworu is gay.
Kaworu is an angel, and thus can't be gay. He doesn't really have a sex.
>how do you know? we only found out Hikari likes him because of Asuka
Because it's not shown in the source material, you know, the thing you're supposed to use for interpretations. There is no "behind the scenes."
>he's confident and has a physique to back it up, he's also a sports fag, a stereotypical "jock", which is a subspecies of Chad
That's your projection. Toji isn't shown to be a popular boy.
>it was written by a coping deluded incel..
Anno isn't and wasn't an incel. That's also you projecting your own failures on to someone who has had a steady and successful career. You could say he's one of the most influential names of all time in this industry.
>you seem to fixated on a particular sub specie of Chad called "Smart fuckboy Chad"
I think you're just making things up in your head now. According to you, everyone who isn't an incel or dating a single mom must be a chad, then. Was Gendo a chad?
>being a chad is not normal, ie statistically average
Man, when I was in HS, I must have been surrounded by chads, then. The military too. I guess I've only ever lived around chads. Hell, most of them were smarter than Toji, so certainly they must have been uberchads.
>it's only normal for feminoids because non-chad men don't register on their radars
Well, I'm a man, so I guess I also consider your kind to be irrelevant.
>I'm not a Chad, I'll give you that.
No. You're a fucking quitter, and the best thing you can do is feel sorry for yourself online. This is why you're miserable.
>For example: Anno is far more of a failure now than he ever was when he was running in panic from prostitutes kek.
Anno is a well-cemented name in the animation industry and has his name attached to one of the most influential series of all time. I would hardly call him a loser. At least the man does what he wants to do. What's stopping you?
>doesn't mean I shouldn't kick it if I see it clinging to the cliff
Sure, but right now it seems the only one hanging is you, and you don't seem to want to help yourself up.
>can I get Allah over Jesus?
As long as you don't become part of the real Suicide Squad.
>girls like him because it's fucking fiction dumbass, the whole purpose is for Shinji to be happy
I literally only saw him suffer. What are you talking about?
>also, one of the girls is his mum, of course she would like him kek
Not even your mom likes you at this point, does she?
>nah, you're just bitter and jaded
I'm not the one crying about fictional chads online.
>That's why I don't envy you - you're in no better position than me
Oh, I am, and you are in no position to judge. You're jealous of a fictional 14 year old boy.
>don't you ever mention that seasonal shlock in one sentence with Evangelion
You know it to be true. ZnT is also great because Kugimiya Rie gives voices to angels.
>Eva is fucking true ART. And fucking insanely popular one at that.
Please decide, because earlier you were claiming Anno sucked because of it.
>In a world where he sold his soul into a brothel.
Some men like brothels, especially in Japan. I'm more into meaningful relationships, though, so I usually end up dating girls from my social circle. You should try it. You might actually meet someone you like.


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>That's actually really common.
nah, it's a fantasy

>Girls don't actually know what you look like as long as you're not gross.

what a load of bullshit lol

what, you think girls don't have eyes or something? female recognition of dymorphic traits was honed by the millions of years of evolution you absolute dumbfuck

read even a basic wiki article on sexual dymorphism, for fucks sake! such ignorance is embarrassing

>I think you're coping

conscious coping is one thing

even unconscious coping that is channeled in creative ways (ie sublimation) is good
that's what made Evangelion so great after all

deluded impotent coping of a bluepiller is a whole another matter tho

>I didn't say what you quoted

then your sentence doesn't make any sense

That elephant-ears fuck's whole problem is that everyone well, almost everyone kek fucking likes Asuka, and that's not what he had in mind

>Kaworu is an angel, and thus can't be gay. He doesn't really have a sex.

If it quacks like a duck..


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>Because it's not shown in the source material, you know, the thing you're supposed to use for interpretations.
I can expand the world beyond the "source material", NPC

Imagination. You should try it sometimes (if you can lol).

>There is no "behind the scenes."

there is a whole universe "behind the scenes"

It's called "Art"

>Anno isn't and wasn't an incel.

Nah. He WAS and he still IS.
Now he's just a rich and famous betabux (that can't write).

>someone who has had a steady and successful career. You could say he's one of the most influential names of all time in this industry.

I don't give a fuck about his """career""" and """influence"""

he sold his fucking soul for a piece of puss, the story as old as the myth of Faust

>Was Gendo a chad?

is this even a serious question? OF COURSE

re-watch fucking flashbacks, he was a typical "Bad boy Chad"

he fucking had Naoko murder a clone of his wife in a fit of jealousy, and almost had Ritsuko do the same kek

he's the biggest Gigachad in the fucking show

he actually reminds me kinda of Stalin kek, the same psychological profile

>Well, I'm a man, so I guess I also consider your kind to be irrelevant.

it's cuz you're a brainwashed man-slave

>No. You're a fucking quitter, and the best thing you can do is feel sorry for yourself online. This is why you're miserable.

there are far more miserable people than me on this earth

you, for example, I consider a miserable fuck, and wouldn't want to be even a day in your skin

>Anno is a well-cemented name in the animation industry

yes. he's a part of the "respected" establishment now. that can't write for shit lol. he should be proud.
After all, "At least he does what he wants to do" lmao.

The only tiny little problem here is that he CAN'T DO SHIT, even if he wants to

The spark is gone

>What's stopping you?

The lack of time.
But I'll get there. If I survive long enough.


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>I literally only saw him suffer. What are you talking about?
you wouldn't get it

suffering and happiness go hand in hand, you can't have one without the other

just like in the first fallout: "For the first time in your life, you are looking at the vast expanse of the sky"


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>Not even your mom likes you at this point, does she?
nah, my mom is okay

only her xenophobia rubs me the wrong way, but it is to be expected from a petty bourg

as long as she doesn't bank roll rightoid death squads..

>I'm not the one crying about fictional chads online.

we're talking about fiction here, no? you expect me to talk about real world chads?

>You're jealous of a fictional 14 year old boy.

nah, I'm not. I would be jealous of Shinji if I couldn't self insert tho.

>You know it to be true.

Shit taste. As expected from a normoid.

>I'm more into meaningful relationships, though, so I usually end up dating girls from my social circle.

Aren't you a Vietanon sexpat or something?


>what, you think girls don't have eyes or something? female recognition of dymorphic traits was honed by the millions of years of evolution you absolute dumbfuck
It is my experience that your looks aren't that relevant. At least, I'm very normal-looking and have had no trouble wit women. Seems like a skill issue on your part. Maybe go out and get some xp.
>read even a basic wiki article on sexual dymorphism, for fucks sake! such ignorance is embarrassing
This is incel behavior. I prefer actually talking to women.
>then your sentence doesn't make any sense
I was saying that I don't judge you for liking the worst girl. You are allowed to have shit taste.
>That elephant-ears fuck's whole problem is that everyone well, almost everyone kek fucking likes Asuka, and that's not what he had in mind
Anno doesn't like Asuka because he's not a mentally ill loner that wants a girl that cuts herself.
>I can expand the world beyond the "source material", NPC
Yes. We call that fanfiction. This is more like incelfiction, though. All under the umbrella of "making shit up."
>Nah. He WAS and he still IS.
The man has groupies, anon. He's a chad.
>is this even a serious question? OF COURSE
I don't know. Gendo could have moved on. Chads don't usually stick to one female. He also took his wife's name. Typical female behavior.
>it's cuz you're a brainwashed man-slave
It's called not having a mental illness.
>The lack of time.
You have all the time in the world, you NEET.
>suffering and happiness go hand in hand, you can't have one without the other
Oh, you certainly can. If a man is tortured to death, where is his happiness?
>we're talking about fiction here, no? you expect me to talk about real world chads?
Yes, but you're the only one crying about how this affects you in the real world. The story is not written as you tell it. None of the character traits you are projecting are in the source material. You're simply mad at being an incel IRL and project that on fiction. They're just chines cartoons, retard.
>nah, I'm not. I would be jealous of Shinji if I couldn't self insert tho.
Why would you self insert as anything? Shinji is a fucking loser. Is that how you see yourself?
>Shit taste. As expected from a normoid.
I don't know what that is supposed to mean.
>Aren't you a Vietanon sexpat or something?
No. I'm American, and I have never been to Vietnam, nor would I engage in exploitation of my fellow workers. If I want a girl, she should probably of a similar social circle and status as myself. Else what's the point?


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>It is my experience that your looks aren't that relevant.
And it is "my experience" that the Earth is flat.

>This is incel behavior.

<studying sexual selection in dymorphic species is incel behavior.

>I was saying that I don't judge you for liking the worst girl.

Yeah, ok, whatever.

The original context was about what Anno thinks, not you.

>Anno doesn't like Asuka because he's not a mentally ill loner that wants a girl that cuts herself.

Nah. He's just a possessive incel bitch throwing a tantrum for not getting it his way.

You seem to fundamentally misunderstand his relationship with his character lol. That's why I emphasize that he IS an incel. Even if he has groupies now.

>We call that fanfiction.

Whatever you wanna call it fag.
I call "expanding on a character" and "filling in the blanks".

>Chads don't usually stick to one female.


>He also took his wife's name. Typical female behavior.

Kek. Wanna know how I know you're a rightoid? Your fixation on "behavior" in a mating context.

>It's called not having a mental illness.

I see the inquisition has logged in lol.

Are you gonna exorcise the devil out of me, normoid?

>You have all the time in the world, you NEET.

No, I don't. Because I have to work to live. And I have to balance my work with my artistic aspirations.

But I have one thing that Anno doesn't have anymore - ideas, that want a way out.

>Oh, you certainly can. If a man is tortured to death, where is his happiness?

His happiness is in Death. Obviously.

>Yes, but you're the only one crying about how this affects you in the real world.

I'm just observing reality. You can forward your complaints about hurt feefees to the "real world".

>They're just chines cartoons

Shit like Toradora - yes. Eva - not.

Eva is personal. That's why Anno is so defensive of it.

It's a cast of the state of mind of a particular individual trying to grapple with his lived experience. A peek into the soul.

That's why him trying to destroy it in a fit of impotent rage is so pathetic. That's not how you treat such things, you poor incel.

Stick to your groupies and forget about Eva.

>Why would you self insert as anything?

Because that's what Art is all about - empathy. It's about going beyond the barriers of your own ego.

>Shinji is a fucking loser. Is that how you see yourself?

"Loser" from the likes of you is actually a compliment to me lol.

I like Shinji. I see myself in him. The better part of me.

>I don't know what that is supposed to mean.

It means what it says. Toradora was made to make $. Not to cope with reality.

>Else what's the point?

Ask a cell colony that you call "my body" lol.


I guess this is the Eva thread here.

I rewatched TV Eva for the first time in 23 years since my thirdoid TV station broadcast in the early 00s, and I loved it!
It's not only as good as I remember it as a dumbass 10 year old kid, it's even better as a retarded 33 year old.
The plot was entertaining, I can appreciate the mecha and tokusatsu homages much better now that I've spent my 15 last years being a smelly mecha otaku, the now-retro tech aesthetics were peak, the show has supreme emotional depth and no jaded internet person can convince me otherwise, and it resonates deeply with despite being closer to a normoid than a western otaku of the /a/ variety. And I still have a crush on "teh" Rei somehow

I don't get why deb8 around this show gets so messy online. My guess is that the biblical / old testament theming and the visceral depiction of violence (physical or otherwise) annoys certain sensibilities.

Funnily enough this is the kind of internet post that sent Anno into an autistic frenzy when making EoE back in the '90s, even if I know it's mostly in jest.

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