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What is /leftypol/'s opinion on vtubers? I think some of them are cute and funny.


dumb thread
vtubers themselves are walking commodities and for those trying 2 escape the grotesque flesh but not in the cool transhumanist way


I don't care, and this is a shit thread.


shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things goddamn, not everything is a moralistic battle for the soul of mankind


Didn't think someone would find a way to make the youtuber/streamer experience more artificial and commodified and yet here we are


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>let people enjoy things


> I think some of them are cute and funny.


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fill me in, what are vtubers?


go to >>>tech or >>>anime
i agree,those types are like nazbols.the only reason they hate capitalism or consoomerism is they don't find product to consoom and doesn't like/hate the products.not explotation*inefficiency* or environmental-damage.just can't finding product to consoom
you see,how much they triggered


ai-youtuber as i know.


vagina tubers
It's an abhorrent sexual fetish…


Think of pewdiepie or markiplier but if they were pretending to be anime girls while using some face rig to look like it's a moving drawing the one who's playing games and not some fatass japanese guy


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>>>3977 >>3969 go to >>>tech or >>>anime >>3971 i agree,those types are like nazbols.the only reason they hate capitalism or consoomerism is they don't find product to consoom and doesn't like/hate the products.not explotation*inefficiency* or environmental-damage.just can't finding product to consoom >>3973 >>3975 you see,how much they triggered


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Virtual Youtubers (shorten to vtubers).
They're basically like regular game streamers but they have anime avatars and roleplay as their characters.
Most of them are Japanese, but there's a growing number of English-speaking vtubers as well.




They're youtubers that use software to overlay a cartoon character over their face that tracks their movements, so it's like the cartoon cahracter is the one playing the game.


thanks comrades for answering my lazy arse's question.


>fill me in, what are vtubers?
Vtubers is when a society that you thought can't get any more perverse and alienated actually becomes more perverse and alienated/


china's vtubers are based is all i can say


>cartoons are degenerate
ok puritan


Based on what?


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Cope, fascist


>Phil Greaves


I stubbed my toe on a chair yesterday, so I threw it out because it was fascist.


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Perhaps it is merely time before grifters start making political videos with anime avatars.




it's absolute capitalist decadence, but a perfect representation of how fucking alienated today's people are. For crying out loud some people fantasize about fucking these poorly animated anime avatars instead of actually getting laid. It's sad and pathetic at the sime time and I honestly try not to think about it too much because it just makes me more depressed than I already am.


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nice formatting newfaggot




Holy cope


cringe and painfully awkward to watch. like wtf is this supposed to do for me? what am i supposed to feel with these? they just make me horribly uncomfortable. i also know some dudes who are super into vtubers and that just turns me off it even more.


We have to seize that space before them and make anime girls that spread immortal science of marxism leninism.


Alienation is not when you roleplay with an avatar FFS


how do i hide a post in leftypol i dont wanna see this shit


based on dengism


Can I get an example of a vtuber?


what the fuck is a vtuber


Click the circle with a line in the middle and then click hide thread


Houshou Marine is the one in the OP


>cute and funny
absolutelly shameless


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goooooooood morning slaves


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Communist vtubers when?


escaping reality by role playing as an anime avatar is pretty much peak alienation


It's shit like this that makes me think niggas like Adorno and Kachinsky were 10000% right


There's one but she's cucked revisionist socdem
Hard to expect better from a country so cucked by US though


Are you escaping reality by posting anonymously instead of attaching your photo and full name to every post?


Most of them do it hoping to get big enough to make a living off of it. It's no different from regular streaming, in any way except that they are more anonynous.


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>Communist vtubers when?

There is this guy who is role playing a hyper realistic avatar from red alert. Technology is very advanced these days!


I can't believe something like this really exists


FFS we already have a youtube thread, we don't need another one, even if it is transferred from /leftypol/. SHould have just locked the thread and linked the anime youtuber thread


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>hyper realistic avatar
>the unruhe's picture
This once again shows the superiority of Oriental cartoons. Unlike the fake gun wielding, Cal Arts aesthetic persona of Roo, this virtual persona not only does actual organizing and real praxis but carries actual weapons and does not conceal their affiliations, broadcasting their communism through their uniform.


Streamers that use anime/cartoon characters to represent themselves. It's no different than shit like rantsonas/avatars that people on youtube have been doing for a decade now.


E-celeb cancer with an anime girl mask, no less worse than twitchfags or youtubeshitters.


some have good designs and i am horny sometimes


I like 'em. But i'm also very lonely.


Urhue is the OG content creator.


They're fun as characters and/or actors but they can be even more dangerous for the psyche than standard streamers, especially ones like Rushia that really lean into the virtual GFE.


>cute and funny
most of them are grown-ass men


Damn, they must be really great actors then






Most Vtubers (the ones with a cute anime girl avatar) are a depressing reminder of the state of the world and weebs today

Some Vtubers are ok though. I used to like Kizuna Ai, she wasn't trying to be disgustingly kawaii, she didn't fake a childish anime accent, and she reacted like a real fucking person, at least compared to all these 2D Vtubers


That's the whole point of vtubers. They act not like real people just enough to be "anime-like" in their attitude, but not embarassingly childish.
It wouldn't have became as popular if they were mainly acting or not acting at all.
I do not really understand why you chose Kizuna Ai as an example, because she is very obvious with her being just an actor.


Social media threads should stay in social media.
Thank you and godo night.


>godo night
&ltcan't even do 'le fake wapanese' right
Honestly fuck off with your pointless whining. Either post content you like and 'be the change' you want to see, or stop complaining about every other thread that happens to pop-up
A) Social media is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share content with the public. WE ARE SOCIAL MEDIA you fucking twat, we're just anonymous and don't require an account to post
B) This thread was moved from /leftypol/ to the next most appropriate board according to mods - /anime/. It's not even that popular and is only higher in the catalog because it's new.


Using anime avatars and being a vtuber to spread leftist ideology. Now dats PRAXIS


its bourgeoisie degeneracy


Suddenly every retard is ok with e-celebs because they're posing as anime girls


See >>4248
This thread was a /leftypol/ thread, so much for your whining about how 'leftypol' will be the only leftist anime board'


It's pretty much the same as regular streamers. People do feel they are more "authentic", ironically, because since they are "anonomized" by their avatars it feels like they are more honest somehow.

It's bullshit tho. They're just as much playing personas as everyone else online. Some of them are very good entertainers, and quite funny, but most of them are just subpar comedians/actors/singers "enhanced" by some decent character design.

I do like watching some of them, but honestly, it's not really very relevant, they were just lucky because the pandemic raised online viewerships for obvious reasons, which exploded their channels.


It feels more authentic because you know that the character you see is a persona. While with an actual person there is an expectation that they are somehow "real". It's like rap music artist are expected to be hood to come off as authentic while metal musicians can be the dorkiest skinny fucks possible because they have a more thick layer of personality that is pretty obviously fake.


That is true. The expectations are definitely different, which does contribute to less of a "whiplash" when they obviously end up not being the way they act on stream. Still, the fundamental premises are the same, that is, it's all just an (sometimes elaborate) act.
Honestly the puritanism that people declare against this sorta stuff and anime is pointless honestly, commodities are commodities, no matter if they are cars or cute anime girls. I do get really annoyed by all the pseudo-Nechayevs in this board, ready to give up every and all small pleasures for the sake of a hypothetical revolution and to chastise people who aren't """as strong""" as them.


kek based soyposter


>He's still mad


>>He's still mad


The one interesting thing about vtubers that supports my theory is that a lot of them just seems like a bunch of perverts. Gawr for example despite the generally more "innocent" persona was doxxed and made like a bunch of horny posts in the past and I think she has been known to "like" twitter posts of lewd pictures of her character.
The other vtubers are much, much more open in their general horniness. Hell the very first popular "vtuber" was IMO project melody a straight up cam whore who is actually liked instead of disdained by people outside the people who jerk off to them.


that's the main argument for the "authenticity" i feel, but it's just the anonomity (despite how easy it is to figure out who are the people behind the avatars). There is a certain perverted candidness about being honest behind a mask, right? Like those weird european bourgeois parties.


Senzawa was better


>Gawr for example despite the generally more "innocent" persona was doxxed and made like a bunch of horny posts in the past
You can't just claim that and not provide some links.


Well you can just take a look at >>5023, since that's who anon was talking about. I mean it's not even subtle.


In all honesty, being a vtuber seems like a better gig than being a regular streamer, the layer between the person and the persona probably absorbs a bit of the impact of death threats and the general unpleasantness of being a public person. Still probably a pretty crappy job tho, unless you hit it really big like hololive (and even then it still sounds kinda shit)


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Anyone want to become a VTuber? Now's your chance.



>the very first popular "vtuber"
>projekt melody


>greentexted excerpts
yes, what is it you want to say?


/v/tubers are the newest low otaku culture has cultivated. no passion, no engagement, just idiots obsessing over boardroom picked anime avatars talking over video games. They are literally just twitch streamers hiding behind a 2D face to trick retards into thinking they are a cute anime girl.

Actually there is literally no otaku culture involved except complete and utter lies. Take the technology away and there is nothing left except some 3D twat

/v/tubers are built on deception and you deserve to be ridiculed for having no self respect. Lower than people donating money on chaturbate.


He's implying melody wasn't the first popular vtuber which is true.


How is that different from any other streamer though? Most streamers are cute women or eboys, that is people you like to look at. If anything it lays the artificiality of the medium bare. Real streamers fake authenticity, but with vtubers, there is not pretense, it is just a character.

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