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 No.2[View All]

I see no hentai thread
58 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I think your best bet is to just read regular yaoi.


Ughhhh Yaoi sucks.


I mean, I know it sucks but what is it specifically that you don't like about it? Just skip the romance fluffy ones and go directly for the porn.


Dark skin tag is definitely a crazy space.


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Post some good funny JAV videos if not offtopic.




Normally I'd hate you for bumping a necro thread but in this case I love it.




Holy shit I wrote that saiyan caption years ago back on 8ch /d/ before the Board Owner went full schizo and locked the board because 8ch banned loli.


>caption porn makers visit leftychan


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I mean I'm an oldfag from /leftypol/ before the /leftpol/ split and when Aidan/Chaya was a shitter. I used other boards too. I preferred /chaos/ tbh but /d/ had some stuff I preferred, though I'm pretty damn vanilla by /d/-standards. I did a whole series of Saiyan caps.


Admittedly it's pretty cringe now that I look back on it, but to be fair I was a hormonal young adult having fun shit-posting and writing smut.


Did you retire from it?


Yeah I haven't made captions in years, though I still have some old folders. I really gotta clean up my hard drive lol.


why is it so cringe when professional entertainers make shit like that daily?


They're even more cringe for it. At least I was anonymous about it.


again what is so bad about it?


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If you don't see how such cartoon power-fantasy porn isn't so, then I can't help ya.


One: its a cartoon

two: its fiction.

Idk why people call anyting slightly weord amd zesty from their childhood "cringe".

Everything thats not "stoic/realistic" is "cringe".

Maybe society is too obsessed with aesthetic maturity as usual.


>Reddit-fag spacing
>coping this hard with "muh fiction" deflection
<Everything thats not "stoic/realistic" is "cringe".
At no point did I state any of this, you faggot. Stop being a spaghetti-dropping retard and go touch grass.


Are you having a man-period?


this. Ikemen are only used in non-hentai manga


youre onto something


fuck this page gave me an erection






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Coal on the darkweb

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