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 No.960[View All]

Reminder if you are not a chad women will not take any interest in anything you say or do, no matter how remarkable it is. How do I know? I used to be 'the hot kid' for a year or two in my teens and became average after I grew older. Though I never scored with a chick because I was an autist, here's the kind of shit that used to happen.

-Girls would ooh and ahh when I walked past, some pinched me trying to get my attention
-girls would 'sneakily' follow me everywhere and try to catch a glimpse of me
-one girl would pretend to use a makeup mirror to spy on me
-Girls would approach me and try to start conversations even though I was an introvert and had nothing to say
-Neighbor used to invite me out to hang out with her and would rub my hair
-girls would giggle around me in class and try to rub my hair
-Female hs teachers gave me better grades and tried to hangout with me after class
-girls would openly compliment me call me sexy in class etc
-if I went to my friends house his sister would try flirting with me, laugh at my jokes even if I made none, always try to hover around me

All that shit is gone now, women now will just ignore me/act like I dont exist at parties. Will not bother talking to me or taking any interest, never find my jokes funny or compliment me etc.

The cold reality is if you're not a chad women dont really have any reason to give a fuck about you and you will always be friendzoned at best. They don't really give a shit about your personality, it's all a halo effect from your attractiveness. No amount of hairstyles, confidence, style etc will change anything unless your face is attractive. And if you do somehow score a gf, she will hop branches, never have true sexual attraction towards you, sex will be lame etc. There is no 'type,' only a singular hot chad and if you were in the 5% you would.

People will always be a slave to their biology, anything else is cope.
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yeah and I suppose you are the epitome of chad and a perfectly well adjusted man? Get a grip, calling other people fags doesnt make you more manly and everyone here can see through you.

>fading,' you're probably retarded and couldn't maintain basic hygiene and a healthy weight, plus dressed like a slob. No man's looks degrade over the course of 5 years unless they aren't taking care of themselves

Yes they can fag, exercise and diet doesn't determine looks genetics does. I started losing hair and baldcels can get wrecked within a year or two if they had shitty genes. Keep coping, but if you lose your looks and still manage to keep a girl she'll only be with you out of pity, will stop fucking you and claim 'oh shes just not feeling it these days' or some other vague excuse. Then you'll get stuck in a dead bedroom like all other normie cucks.

>personality and nonexistent social skills.

This meme again. When will you retards learn?


You are autistic though, right?


>Some women are hypergamous chadsexuals. Other women aren't.
Everyone has a dating profile now. We have overwhelming data from the dating platforms that majority of women yes in fact are chadsexual.

you NEED to square this circle bluepiller
you can't just close your eyes and ears and keep saying "la-la-la can't hear you!"


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stay ignorant bluepiller
remember, she just SO HAPPENS to have a headache every time you want to get some action

oh, and also, don't look into the mirror for too long kek


But you are autistic right….?


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never been diagnosed and never bothered to look what this shit is even about
It took me a cursory look into what schizophrenia even is according to modern "science" to immediately understand that it has an understanding of the mind on the level of ancient Greek understanding of the body lol
"you see, there are these fluids and then they mix and if you get too much of this fluid that is totally a real thing you will feel that you want some taco bells today"


Sounds like you're as qualified to talk about neurology as you are to talk about dating.


you're one to talk redpilloid
it was not me who brought the topic of neurology up


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>O-oh but muh MRI scans!!
yeah, after years of "medication" lol
might as well lobotomize them and claim this is a physical proof of schizophrenia


Pattern fits. By your own admission, you're unable to
socially function in a normal manner.

What psychological disorder is characterized by pairing massive confidence in one's knowledge with evident and consistent failure?


>Pattern fits.
psychological """science""" everyone

sorry to disappoint your ass, but I have a perfectly healthy brain, especially for may age group (30+)
been doing MRI brain scans for the past 4 years, so I have my brain in dynamics

compare this to my younger cousin who has a fucking mush brain on MRI scans lol
must be all that alcohol and partying lol

>By your own admission, you're unable to

socially function in a normal manner.
I'm perfectly functional. More so than many others, I'd wager.
Looking at people, they live very shallow lives - money, sex, getting out on vacation to foreign countries and then bragging about it on social media.
If this is """functional""", then I'm indeed dysfunctional lol.


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Nothing you say is wrong necessarily, but like all libs it's spooked with heavy moralizing.
That all these things were caused by the personal failings of the people themselves, and not the systemic way they are raised.
Incels are very much the product of feminism. The feminized legal system and courts neuter through divorce and child support fathers' ability to raise children and makes the presence of a father in a young boy's life a mere phantasm.
Women are conditioned to see men as predators and therefore their male children as budding potential threats. So these women raise their sons to assert no boundaries around women as your long tirade can attest.
This leaves them with a lifetime of exploitative and abusive relationships with women.
Instead of looking at these elements you reflexively protect the liberal system that created them and shift the blame onto the victims.


Im not autistic really, I score low on the scale. I've hung out with a fair amount of women and they are all the same, they are the most thoroughly infected with capitalism you will find. They only care about the spectacle of a mans appearance or wallet, or want to live a lifestyle where they can just show off on social media.

And because of this women suck at damn near everything. I've never in my life met a woman who was better at a hobby than a man. If it wasn't for the biological drive to fuck and form bonds with them, they would be insigificant


>I'm telling you there is a strong empirical case for betabuxers to have dead bedrooms

>you deluded bluepillers will never learn lol and then whine on reddit how you wife is """suddenly""" asexual after the marriage lmao when it's too late

It's simply psychology, but to put sipmly, "attraction is not a choice".
If you send all your youth chasing Chads, then that is who you are genuinely attracted to.
Settling for the betabux breeds contempt and leads to dead bedrooms.
Liberals seethe at this because they know if this becomes common knowledge betabux will stop letting themselves be the backup plan to thots riding the cock carousel.


>And because of this women suck at damn near everything. I've never in my life met a woman who was better at a hobby than a man. If it wasn't for the biological drive to fuck and form bonds with them, they would be insigificant
this is just your prejudices man

there are plenty of women who are talented and passionate about something other than chads lol

women like to draw, sing, dance more than men, they definitely have that artistic inclination
they can achieve greatness if they can just stop chasing that chad cock carousel lol


>women like to draw, sing, dance more than men, they definitely have that artistic inclination
All subjective things that can't be measured or made to be competitive in any way. Women don't have the drive to compete inbuilt as much as men do because they live life on easy mode.

Just think about how they can even afford to waste so much time on the cock carousel or useless shit. Society caters more towards coddling women and taking care of them, women are seen as innately valuable and men have to earn it otherwise theyre expendable. They barely have to work because there's always some kind of man providing for them. China figured it out already females are nothing but a drain on society. Their only saving grace is being a mother and they suck at that too


There's always an exception to the rule.
Most modern women are heavily inoculated in the capitalist paradigm.


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>All subjective things that can't be measured or made to be competitive in any way.
lol so what it's valuable only if it's objective and competitive?
I value many ideas that are subjective, especially in art
and wtf does competitive even mean in this context? that which makes profit?

>Women don't have the drive to compete inbuilt as much as men do because they live life on easy mode.

first, what do you mean by "compete" in concrete example of artistic expression? "compete" for what? what was Gogol "competing" for when he was writing Dead Souls? what was Kafka "competing" for when he decided to burn the products of his literary activity?

this implies that competition is why people ultimately want to express themselves
do you see the sheer nonsense in this?

there are many products of labor that I appreciate that were made by women
why should them being chadsexual devalue their contributions?

should I not enjoy Ursula's Le Guin books because she is chadsexual?
what nonsense

>Most modern women are heavily inoculated in the capitalist paradigm.
most modern men are no better
just look at the redpillers and bluepillers


what I'm trying to say is that you should value something by the end results, not potential

it doesn't matter if men have more "potential" for greatness, because what matters in the end are the results

some academic faggot who wastes paper on conjuring more and more arcane epicycles maybe has more "potential", but his output is less than that of a chadsexual onlyfans thot who couldn't add 2 and 2 together


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my problem with women is that they are not honest about being chadsexual. I can appreciate a thot who tells me straight to the face that she is chadsexual.
maybe this is the reason I have more respect for prostitutes than your ordinary girl-next-door.. well, apart from them being only ones who gave me any kind of physical intimacy lol


>Women don't run pussy charities for losers


>Women don't run pussy charities for losers non-chads
fixed it for u


>Wanting a committed sexual relationship is charity.
Damn, feminism is starting to sound more fash everyday. They'll be calling for the "FINAL SOLUTION" to the incel problem any day now.


Coping rather than mending a defunct personality and admitting you're kind of a failed person.
>Muh, guys who get laid are all either 6'5" 'chads' or paying for it
Clownlet shit


>Widescale societal problems are actually your own fault inkwell.
Liberals everyone.


Cry harder. I'm sure that will help you


Yes it does help. If anything it makes libs like you irrationally mad kek.


>girls only want tall chad
how do my short, fat cousins have wives and children then?


>I'm right online
You are a faggot who will die alone. Work harder to shell out more cash in exchange for desireless sex from std infested whores


Post em


>how do my short, fat cousins have wives and children then?


>You are a faggot who will die alone.
everyone dies alone

>Work harder to shell out more cash in exchange for desireless sex from std infested whores

kek this is the whole betabux worldview in one sentence

listen here betabux - it's STILL better to get desireless sex from "std infested whores" than to be stuck in a marriage with a dead bedroom with a person who fucking despises you
"desireless sex" lmao, you're one to talk betabux


ppl itt seem to not understand that blackpill is about studying and revealing sexual preferences that are INDEPENDENT of one's will or opinion lol
that's all it is


Myopic cope from someone with a shit personality who drives people away


they're low-wage blue collar workers


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lol you don't need to be a Bezos to be a betabux

betabux just means that you get regularly materially exploited in a sexual relationship

do your cousins have a mortgage? other debts?

chad never gets materially exploited in a sexual relationship because women are naturally attracted to him
just like men don't care about material things when it comes to women, so women don't care about material things when it comes to chads


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>just like men don't care about material things when it comes to women, so women don't care about material things when it comes to chads
and that's what I'd wager is the apple of fbi.gov here and why all betabuxers get so aggressive-defensive at incels

redpillers can't fathom a possibility that women can not care about material things when it comes to mating
obviously because of their material conditions (being a betabux) determining their psychological and ideological state

some of them go as far as to claim that women are actually frigid lol and don't enjoy sex

and bluepillers can't fathom a possibility that women care primarily about material things when it comes to non-chads that they are not sexually attracted to
of course because of their material conditions too

as you can see, marxist materialist framework is really good at explaining these ideological phenomena


Simple explanation

Incels are narcissistic fags with low social status and a repulsive victim mindset.

I'm short, broke, spend nothing on women, and can still get laid with attractive females. The problem isn't women or the culture. If you can't get laid, the problem is you.


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>spend nothing on women
imagine bragging about spending money on women


>people who lack being ugly


I swear to God this OP is a toxic sludge of main character syndrome.

Op is not feminized. He just doesnt know how to handle being oast his peak.

OP shut the fuck up. Men are the same towards women.

Heterosexual romance is a minefield.


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Inceldom can be explained in this post.


This is the most myopic and short sighted stupid shit ever. When did this board become so low quality?


Maybe taking advice about women from other guys who suck with women isn't a good idea, anon


>coping this hard


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Nobody wants to see your HRT induced manboobs anon.


Hes virtue signalling. If he went through his prime years without pussy, he would be saying a different tune.


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I fucking do.


>Uglycels are worthless in society
That's not true. Ugly men can provide labor and labor is necessary for society or the world to run. They can also take on dangerous jobs such as construction work or mining. Ugly men can also be (used as cannon fodder for meatgrinders) be drafted/get enlisted as a soldier. Furthermore, ugly men can donate organs. Ugly men can also be test subjects/guinea pigs. Ugly men can spend money, thus participating in the economy. Ugly men can pay sex workers (also OnlyFans), keeping them in business. Ugly men can also be backup for women who are done partying and want to settle down.

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