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I don't know exactly how I feel about you people; I haven't lurked long enough. I definitely don't like the "woke left". For me that boils down to a collage of the pronoun people, the alphabet people, the cancel pigs, the "blame whitey" crowd, feminists, and a few other types like that cuck Destiny. Regardless, I'd say we both want a world where we don't have to deal with each other.

Why not build an alliance forged in mutual hate? We could work together to separate ourselves from a system we are forced to share, and never have to see each others ugly faces ever again. No more squabbling for power. No more chafing under each others dumb rules. You can have your "communism" over here and we can have our "fascism" over there, and never the twain shall meet.

Can we be frenemies?


The purest and most blatant manifestation of Fascism as a political system in the world today is Zionism. Theoretically, I do not care that much about what any individual believes ideologically, I prefer a broad workers' movement based on shared class interests. The problem here is partly that Fascism is class collaborationist, undermines class politics with politics of identity, and the ideal of a fully militarized ethnostate is one which reaches towards the very worst things which exist today and seeks to replicate those things. I would have no problem with Fascists if it wasn't for all the Fascism.


You already live under fascism, why aren't you happy?


>You already live under fascism, why aren't you happy?
I put "fascism" in quotes because it's mostly a stand-in word for tyranny. No one gives a fuck about the literal meaning of fascism besides academics, NAZI LARPers & autists. On the other hand Trudeau (Castro's bastard) forced Canadians to choose between taking a dangerous vaccine against their will or else loosing their jobs and not being able to put food on the table (aka medical "fascism"). It was woke leftists who supported the mandates and the lockdowns and cerfews and censorship of so-called mis-information during the COVID years. You even saw "Antifa" protesters shouting down doctors who spoke against all the heavy-handed actions of our governments. The left, mobilized by their hatred of right-wing conservative people, supported the very government authoritarianism they claim to fight against.

The left and right are too polarized to coexist, our values and worldview can't be reconciled. The only real thing we could possibly agree on at this point is an amicable divorce.


>I put "fascism" in quotes because it's mostly a stand-in word for tyranny.
Then what exactly is it that you even believe in?

You're opposed to vaccine mandates? Ok, me too, who cares?

If you actually think that a polarizing (not really along strict left/right lines) response to a historic plague is an irreconcilable political divide, that seems kind of dumb. If you aren't an actual Fascist, what am I supposed to care what you think of mRNA vaccines? I don't even know what I think of mRNA vaccines. I certainly didn't trust Donald Trump and his top physician, the guy who botched the AIDs crisis, to tell me what to think of mRNA vaccines.


I agree that what was going on in Canada at the time is an example of fascism. It was certainly authoritarianism and did more harm than good. It could even be considered eugenics.

Also many users on this site (maybe you noticed) are highly critical of the woke left. I call those people liberals and I don't consider them leftists at all.

Are you sure you're not a communist? After all at its basis it's a criticism of the current system we live in, which we call capitalism. Maybe we are critical of the same things but draw different conclusions? Either way I hope you keep lurking and asking questions.


I really dislike this splitting of hairs. I think that it's stupid for the IWW to put furries on their posters and shit, but, the core concept of people being furries should be protected as a concept itself. Like, if you care what fetishes people have then you have a problem.


Excuse me WHAT, where did I mention furries? Are you lost?

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