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/R9K/ - Robot - 9000

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File: 1734118775367.jpg ( 27.78 KB , 360x324 , eu_soyjak.jpg )


>still plays Pokemon
>owns a Switch
>watches bumfuck geopolitical lib garbage videos
>has no job
>is glad Assad is gone but doesnt mention Israel when talking about how the Middle East situation
>but doesnt want a Turkish passport because he'll have to enlist in the Turkish army
>praises Finland or some other Nordic country for, in his words, 'solving homelessness'
>still mad about people not getting vaxxed
why are libs such [SLURS]?


>mad about the housing crisis
>hopes the House of Representatives collapses
>yet has no clue on what to replace it with
>just fake-deep platitudes like "nothing lasts"


>why are libs such [SLURS]?
They repeat whatever nonsense they have to to fit in with their peer group. Just like you.


>Assad dictatorship was good


Iran is next you faggot.


Democracy biz nude, Putin, Russia raped in the 90s=10 years of democracy, US democracy, Elon Musk, we wuz democracy, Trump dictatorship, Europe democracy, more billions to Hugh Crane and Israel


Death to European union libism, inshallah amen

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