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Post the wildest shit you see feminists saying here.


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Woman's Hating
>The misdirected passion of Andrea Dworkin

>To put it plainly: Dworkin was a preacher of hate. Her books are full of such declarations as, "Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman." ("Patriarchy," of course, covers contemporary Western societies.) "Male sexuality, drunk on its intrinsic contempt for all life, but especially for women's lives, can run wild." "Hatred of women is a source of sexual pleasure for men in its own right."



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Male sexuality shouldnt be tied to economic status.
Also I think girls shoyld be hysterectomised as well until they hit stability.


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based and hard times pilled




>hard timesmakes strong men

Only the most sheltered superhero fan would agree to this


then women should all start out in the kitchen and prive themselves out




>hey guys there's another mass movement built on an identity supremacy & it is even named as such, let's "'`xpose`'" their nazi behaviour!
"Crazy feminazi" implies th@ feminazis are sensible in the 1st place you degenerate libshit. kys fag
Or instead, you could make a plugin 4 translating the "%cunt-haver" pool of terms into "%Aryan" & "%dick-haver" into "%kike". Literally the most stupid heteronormativeforward way to kick these subhumans in the nuts.

P.S. All their MENstruation libel is full projection btw, just like with all their reactard brethren. Pedos always screech about pedos, nothing new here.

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