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"Kautsky pointed out that it was often quite impossible to make out"
‒ V. I. Lenin


in other words, When will you fags invent your own Incelnationale? C'mon, that's-a such a good & fitting (KEK) name!


What happened to "You're born gay"? Does this mean liberals admit your orientation can be changed? Are liberals upholding conversion therapy to own the incels?




If it was ever a threat it could easily be destroyed by honeytraps.


…damn… we gotta do this then. isn't honeytrap fed gfs better than nothing?


>isn't honeytrap fed gfs better than nothing?
Marginally better than an escort.


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I can't fucking believe that I'm referring incels to their own fucking incels.wiki (looking @ the writing, hockey kek you guyz literally are autists!) but here you fuggin' go:
<There is considerable evidence that human sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how exclusive homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency. One hypothesis proposes that while genes predisposing to homosexuality reduce homosexuals' reproductive success, they may confer some advantage in heterosexuals who carry them. However, it is not clear what such an advantage may be.
<A study done in 2008 on genetic factors predisposing to homosexuality increasing mating success in heterosexuals, shows that psychologically masculine females and psychologically feminine men are (a) more likely to be gay but (b), when straight, have many more opposite-sex partners. The study shows that both these relationships are partly due to pleiotropic genetic influences common to each trait with statistical modeling of the twin data. They also find a trend for heterosexuals with a non-heterosexual twin to have more opposite-sex partners than do heterosexual twin pairs.
<These results suggest that genes predisposing to homosexuality confer a mating advantage in heterosexuals, which helps explain the evolution and maintenance of homosexuality in the population.[15] This study doubles as evidence for genetic determinism.
<[…] women judged to be nonhomophobic perceived homosexual men as more physically attractive than comparable heterosexual men.[16]
<Studies done on hand attractiveness show women prefer men to have androgynous-looking hands, specifically large palms, and very long, thin, slender fingers, and "aristocratic" looking fingers.[17] Despite this preference for androgynous male hands, women also want these androgynous hands to be extremely strong! Handgrip strength is positively correlated with reproductive and sexual success, as well as women's positive appraisals of male's dance movements.[18][19]

So, considering all@, my personal xperience & your situation, mayhaps it is time for me to stop calling you faggots? KEK

>The rise of androgynous men
Damn you incels sometimes I refuse to believe you can still remain fucking virgins with shiddy takes like this
>For decades the Manosphere has been afraid that women's selection for hyper-masculine men would lead to extinction through nuclear war or


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The point was was the liberals maintained homosexuality is an inalienable trait and any suggestion otherwise was the epitome of bigotry.
Yes will still flippantly suggest incels fuck each other.
Even though there have been many cases of homosexuals becoming straight, there being a spectrum of homosexuality (so many people aren't really that "gay" so to speak), and social contagion (people can believe they're gay because it's widely propagandized).
The point was to highlight the staggering hypocrisy of liberals regarding incels. How suggesting homosexuals can become straight is an unforgivable sin while antagonizing incels about their heterosexuality is okay even though it undermines their beliefs about both orientations.
>they also find a trend for heterosexuals with a non-heterosexual twin to have more opposite-sex partners than do heterosexual twin pairs.
>These results suggest that genes predisposing to homosexuality confer a mating advantage in heterosexuals, which helps explain the evolution and maintenance of homosexuality in the population.
This makes no sense to me. How would a hetro having more sex when their other twin is homo confer any evolutionary advantage.
This could also easily be explained through socialization. Homosex men tend to easily build trusting relationships with women because their orientation puts no demands on women while still giving women a short of penis whisperer to befriend (This absence of sexual pressure is also why effinate "Boy Bands" are so popular with young hetro girls, they're seuxally attracted to the opposite sex but lack the maturity to cope with the demands of a real heterosexual male.)
This home twin could simply accelerate the socialization of the hetro twin by sharing his experiences with women, and maybe even use his trusting bonds to match make his twin.


*Yet will still flippantly suggest incels fuck each other.
*This homo twin could simply accelerate the socialization


>The point was to highlight the staggering hypocrisy of liberals regarding incels. How suggesting homosexuals can become straight is an unforgivable sin
Ow, well I never really interact with libs or fags so I've never heard about this take.
This is retarded rainbow fascism ofc, with the same want to systematically shove everyone into designated positions so noone would undermine the preplanned social cohesion in relationships. Systemfags hate life to death cuz life is all about finding new ways to live so it's nothing surprising about libs & their faschizo family from all political spectrums.

>How would a hetero having more sex when their other twin is homo confer any evolutionary advantage

Nah, the twins study was linked just to show the finding that being heterosexual but also being more biologically intersexed (as your gone homo twin shows) leads to better intimate compatibility with people of the other sex.
Btw 3 confirmed bi's & homos of completely different backgrounds & generations along with some other effeminate guys I personally knew were always acting like an instant magnet for cunt-havers of all ages, so this theory has to be onto something. Even hardcore grannies who's seen some shit in their lives could slip into girly girl mode just by seeing them what the fuck kek.


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Please read my post thoroughly before responding next time.



this thread was just a shitpost


> (This absence of sexual pressure is also why effinate "Boy Bands" are so popular with young hetro girls, they're seuxally attracted to the opposite sex but lack the maturity to cope with the demands of a real heterosexual male.)
This home twin could simply accelerate the socialization of the hetro twin by sharing his experiences with women, and maybe even use his trusting bonds to match make his twin.

Tha classic pathologising of boy bands as "homosexual".

Gotta love it.
Have you maybe thought maybe girls like it because of its glamor?

Girls do lust after boy band figures. No differemt from how boys kust after girl band figures.

The Beatles were consodered a boy band. They had stadiums of girls swooning.

The Jackson Five? Same thing.


>Tha classic pathologising of boy bands as "homosexual".
Another nimrod that didn't comprehend my post. I didn't say boy bands were homosexual, I said they're asexual and or effeminate. And that's because that persona doesn't put any sexual demands on the female fans.
Most adult women the world over aren't bothered by a guy with a hairy chest because a real relationship and the ecstasy of getting railed make that kind of shit irrelevant.
This is what trans jans like you don't understand that cis women do since cis women actually regularly get genuinely interested suitors while all you get is false affirmations that you're " really " a woman.


You assume that masculinity is just hair and bulgy figure.

Theyre not asexual at all. They just do it in a way that appeals to certain women.


>No differemt from how boys lust after girl band figures.
4 instance? Never ever heard of this faggot ass behaviour, any dude in my hood who would ever imply being funny 4 some pop shit (doesn't m@ter if str8) would get bullied to the other side for being an absolute faggot, & rightfully so.


Maybe because theyre not open about it?
Ghettofan folks are the biggest poseurs after punk rockers.


OMG you pedantic pseud you clearly don't grasp what I said either. Just STFU and leave me alone.

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