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The end game of the biological imperatives


Anon what have you been told about taking pictures of women in public without their consent!


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Pics or GTFO


>The end game of the biological imperatives
is stepping on a tiny ladder to restock supermarket shelf's ?

Also this doesn't look like that person knew about getting photographed, don't it's creepy.


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>incels are anti worker freaks
thanks for proving a point OP. pic not rel


Did you ask for her contact info?


All incels should be left wing


Based wagiecore stalkercel

>it's creepy.
so what bluepilled bitch? im a creepy ass motherfucker


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I thought I was the only doing this that's also leftist lol


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dat wagie ass man..

sometimes I want approach some of these minimum wage qts, but they always look so busy..


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>h-hello… uh… what do you think about… uh… vatniks?…


lmao don't tell me you also rate the Anatomy of Melancholy

religioncucks not bitching and moaning about incels minding their own business challenge (Impossible)

anyway, my line would be something like this

<h-hey, when is your shift ending? wanna go for a drink afterwards, I know a nice place nearby? it's on me, bet they don't pay you enough for this shit. What, you can pay for yourself? Ok lol, it's a promise then

an incel can dream..


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>h-hey, when is your shift ending? wanna go for a drink afterwards, I…
<Uh… sorry I have a boyfriend…
blackpilled again she didn't even listen to my paragraph of word salad betraying how much I thought about this and how inorganic I am


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we should have state assigned girlfriends.handwave the liberation of women. today's society is missing reality


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>you have to date me or you're transphobic!
Notice the self harm scars, once on the thigh but now in the parody of a penis. This is exactly the type of mentally ill self destructive woman who would be perfectly suited to a cretin like you


>blackpilled again
yes? lol

>my paragraph of word salad betraying how much I thought about this and how inorganic I am

I'm not a Chad with a whole lifetime of positive reinforcement behind me to approach organically you fucking retard

and even then it took me five minutes to come up with that line

if you're an incel your primary goal should be to get her alone and get her drunk




Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. Marxism says that the lower class overthrow the upper class, and guess what incels are? That's right, we're coming to take what's ours. We're gonna wake up at our oppressio and we're gonna rise up and assert our position in the world. Rightfully so! Our shackles will be freed. We're the fucking future main characters and you're just another bluepilled NPC beta simp cuck who will succumb and be defeated in the great blackpilled incel revolution. Faggot. We're gonna free ourselves from the fucking Matrix and you robots NPCs will be fucked. Mark my words, you scumbag piece of shit. Fucking cunt rag. Fucking collaborator. Go eat out some used up DSA roast beef pig pussy. Fucking pussy. You wouldn't do jack shit if you saw me in real life. I'm a fucking gymcel. Scrawny DSA fag. Go follow some glowie orders, ineffective radlib bitch. Fuck you.


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i want to fuck her so bad


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why are you sperging so much troon? is this you or something?


Stop being a creep, or take this shit to >>>/R9K/


Stop being a troon


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>Stop being a- ACK


NTA but that person is me except Im black and I dont wear headphones.



This us why we need to hurry up with VR porn so degenerates like this can be sated. Either that or youth in Asia.


what do you think of ebony women porn and blacked/black men porn?


they won't be sated until they're raping animals and children these fags need to be exterminated when they're this far gone
lol you're the only demographic going after blacks so just get a black girlfriend


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Progressive Puritan Lmao


You know what?? Yeah it is fucking me okay, and I'm sick and tired of being on the bottom rung of society. Every fucking day society takes a big fat shit on my face and I'm just supposed to take that? FUCK YOU! You fucking douchebag, you don't even fucking know me. You don't know what I've been through. You're probably some middle class faggot who lives off a silver spoon. Studies show that malnutrition and epigenetics (environment and stuff) affect the physical and mental development of a child. Of course I didn't grow up to be a GigaChad, I didn't grow up in socialist GDR like he did. I grew up… man fuck you man


This is a false flag move to try to get Leftcels banned from the site. This is what Ogre wants. Don't let them win.


Why do I want to fuck her so badly?


because sex drive. idk…

my life hasnt really gone how i planned out. i was supposed to be finishing college by now. but i fucked that up. i dont even know what im really supposed to. i feel trapped


holy kek. if you're that miserable and convinced you have no way out why don't you do the world a favor and kill yourself you bourgeois asslicking faggot?


Maybe I will


>because sex drive. idk…
Is it uniform Needs Anthropology
>i was supposed to be finishing college by now.
College Isn't As It Seems.. And Is Certainly Not Worth It…


bbc porn is overrated.
I dont care about what ever ethnicity is in the porn. As lomg as theyre BBW.

>lol you're the only demographic going after blacks so just get a black girlfriend

Hell no. American black women are the worst. In particular the generation born after 1962.The ghettofab culture has ruined them.
Not all of them are like that though.
Not like the men are any better either.

>they won't be sated until they're raping animals and children these fags need to be exterminated when they're this far gone

This is why I advocate for mandatory screening for potetnial parents.
Too many adults producing new human life with shitty genetics and/or shitty socio-psychologies.
Those poor kids have to suffer and when they grow up, they take out their misery on the world.
Not as if though the world was enitrely blameless either.


idk my bitch is alright. have you tried college educated bitches? they're not as much of hoes and if they are they're more like white girl hoes


Nah. Im good.
I dont even want a partner.
Too much time and money.


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>Marxism says that the lower class overthrow the upper class
No faggot, marxism says that the working class will overthrow the higher class of the economy, in which both of them are participating.
What y'all are, instead, is lumpens. Disenfranchised individualistic faggots alienated from the wider society & who are absolutely incapable of forming any kind of resistance to the status quo. Notice that the only way you think you can get sumpussy is by rape (= stealing). kys virgiuyghurs.
>You wouldn't do jack shit if you saw me in real life. I'm a fucking gymcel.
Any gymrat still capable in brain functioning is afraid of fags who actually do martial arts. Your fucking poomped meat sack, @ best, will serve as additional cushion when you'll slam against the floor after just 1 bitchslap you unhinged micro-bull.
>Go follow some glowie orders
Nice try, officer.

>Either that or youth in Asia.
No, /pol/ faggot. Asian young pussy will be reserved for the best representatives of homo communis by the dictatorship of the proletariat, to catalyze your evolution as species as hard as possible.

Just get them into psychoid testing ground to learn how to unfuck their shit.


>This is why I advocate for mandatory screening for potetnial parents.
>Too many adults producing new human life with shitty genetics
From a biological point of view this is a bad idea because such a praxis would in effect have the result of slowly shrinking the human genetic pool. That's a path to extinction. Narrow genetics will lack the wealth of adaptations that may not be beneficial now, but prove to be a key for survival in the future.

It's also bad for society, if you deny somebody the right to reproduction, you create an evolutionary incentive to kill you. Which people as evolved organisms will do. Eugenics creates a powerful survival pressure to be violent enough to frustrate reproduction bans. Look at the 20th century when some people tried to implement eugenics in a major way it got really violent.

Also the people who decide whether genes gets a pass in the screening will be evolutionary incentivized to pick genetics based on similarity to their own genetic makeup. So you're not selecting for "better genes", you're selecting for a set of arbitrary genes.

Your premise is also flawed on a more fundamental level, there is no such thing as "better genes". Genes can be better in some environment and worse in another. So the measure of genes is how well they are adapted to the environment. But it's not as simple as that, you can't really predict what the environment will look like. Not for the life span of individual humans and certainly not for the life span of the species.

However genetic modification may be used to improve healthcare, but not by removing genes, but instead by adding fixes or by changing existing gene expression. Using modern medical technology , instead of crude methods related to selective breeding.
Modern genetic modification technology allows for reversing genetic changes if they prove to be detrimental to the patient.
If you can ensure that patient well being is the sole consideration and all other consideration are forcefully excluded with extreme prejudice, this could be good. You would also have to proceed with a moderate pace guided by patience and caution since all our current ideas about biological ideals are likely to be mostly nonsense. It has been that way with pretty much all scientific processes. The ideas we go in usually bear no resemblance with the ideas we come out after rigorous scientific processes have taken place.


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From when I almost got arrested(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)


What do you think of the Black American national question?


What Happened porquê


Fair point. I also said SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGY.

But I still think that peopl withba family history of heart fisease or develoomental disoeders shouldnt breed because theyre gonna have kis with tproblems and thisepoor kids will suffer.

Why is it that people will screen for defective construction material and tainted edible meat but not for human hereditary conditions?


that pic is an outlier. Most older men will only look at those under forty as attractive.

Not that theres anything wrong with that.


>No, /pol/ faggot. Asian young pussy will be reserved for the best representatives of homo communis by the dictatorship of the proletariat, to catalyze your evolution as species as hard as possible.

Ypu didnt get the pun?
"Youth in Asia" is "EUTHENASIA"


Shut up faggots and post more wagie qts


It's wrong. She wouldn't want me to post her pics..


>It's wrong. She wouldn't want me to post her pics..
Shut up faggot
>post more wagie qts
Maybe I will


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not a voyeur creep shot but video posted by herself, so its ok #Reform


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