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I'm a balding incel, and while looking today in the mirror I caught myself pondering how it would be great to go back to the 18th century when it was hip for men to wear wigs, make up, powder, boots on high heels and dog knows what else.

What THE FUCK happened in the 19th century that deprived men of such a vast arsenal to enhance their SMV? Was it the rise of feminism?


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Tho I prefer to shave my hair because it's more comfortable to me, but having a wig option that you could just put on like baseball cap would be very nice too.

Imagine having a special set of wigs just for the Tinder lol. One for this girl that likes straight blond, one for that girl that likes curvy ginger..


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But problem is obviously that a wig was a status thing in a feudal society, that's why w*men were okay with them, that's why men were openly allowed to wear them.

So fucking eugenic w*men won't allow any wigs to men in any classless soyciety.


>What THE FUCK happened in the 19th century that deprived men of such a vast arsenal to enhance their SMV? Was it the rise of feminism?
The newfound supremacy of capital over the aristocracy would be my guess. Tribal dresses fell out of fashion in favour of boring suits and top hats. And I guess Victorian w*men preferred banging fat factory owners rather than flamboyant incel nobles.


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>Tribal dresses fell out of fashion in favour of boring suits and top hats.
This shit is depressing. I feel like Alex from the Clockwork Orange sometimes - the last Aristocratic Rebel in a boring gay post-modern dystopia.

Laughed my ass off when he murdered that cunt with her own post-modern fart-piece lol. Kubrick was always spot on with his symbolism.

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