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Does anyone else like watching old war movies because they have no women in them?

Picrel is my favorite and the best example of this:
-3 hour+ runtime and not a single female character with a speaking role.
-The only women in the movie are a handful of arab civilian background extras wearing burkas.
-T. E. Lawrence IRL was a celibate who disliked women and the movie stays true to this by not forcing a romance arc or making him gay.

Overall kino film which I highly recommend. Please share more examples of female-free cinema ITT.


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The Thing obviously. One of my all-time favorite films.

The only female I think was a dog? And it got raped by the tentacles.


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2001: A Space Odyssey.

The only females are some stupid bimbo stewardesses with a couple of lines.

histmatpilled film: that scene where the bone gets transformed into a spaceship is wonderful

Also much much better than the books. Show, don't tell. One scene can be worth a million words.


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Apocalypse Now. Theatrical version.

No femoids at all, except for the bunny girls that almost get raped by agitated GIs lol.

Other versions suck ass precisely because they add some femoid love interest that is like a third wheel to a cart.

Still the best war movie, because it is not about war at all lol. Coppola just wanted to ride the wave of the american post-vietnam syndrome. Brando is still a fat lazy fuck. Martin Sheen still provided the best movie narration and the best acting.


Two great films.

>except for the bunny girls that almost get raped by agitated GIs
kek I remember being weirded out by that scene as a kid.


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BTW this is why we can't have war movies without a bunch of out-of-place strong female characters anymore. The second we started to take these people seriously our entire media output went to shit.


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mfw there's a woman in my marvel movie


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No Country for Old Men.

The only femoid is there to be killed in the end because the antagonist "promised".

One of the best antagonists, hands down. A metaphor for the inevitability of death. You can run, but you can't hide.

Chigurh blackpilled?


>Also much much better than the books.
Bullshit and fuck you. In fact I'll go further:
2010 film > 2001 film

Why? Because the last third of 2001 is a confusing acid trip that you have to read the book to understand what the hell happened. "Show, don't tell" is important but when the audience can't figure out what happened you haven't sown them anything with substance. Then it just becomes an arrogant exercise in self-wankery for the director.


silence soypiggy


>Why? Because the last third of 2001 is a confusing acid trip that you have to read the book to understand what the hell happened.
There is nothing to understand. There COULD BE NOTHING to understand.

Books past the last third are a boring scifi drivel.

Past the last third is pure Kubric improvisation. And it comes at just the right moment. You can only hope to FEEL the last third with the help of your audio-visual senses. You can't rationalize it, or else you get the nerdoid boring books.


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Blue Collar.

A movie that makes me wanna go grab a gas welding torch kek. DRIP prole aesthetic. Richard Pryor can act like a god when he's not overdosed on cocaine.

This is what an actual American Dream looks like. And I LOVED every second of it.


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American Psycho.

Mandatory Masterpiece. Blackpilled Palme d'Or winner. A pre-post-modern classic.

As they love to say today - INSPIRING.

Patrick Bateman was born for this role.

There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape, but even after admitting this, there is no catharsis. My punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.


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Hiroshima-Nagasaki Blackpill. Blackpill Incarnate. Blackpillopocalypsis.

One female is there only to run away and leave the father with the twisted newborn child (the child itself is the suffering incarnate), while the other is a product of his coping imagination encouraging him to kill the child. Which he does. As he should have.

In today's feminoid world such film wouldn't fly obviously. Everybody knows that reproduction (and its woes) are a female domain only.


Wasn't American Psycho directed by a woman though


well, yes, but it's based on a book written by a man


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>The film was mired in controversy before production began,[26][27][28] due in large part to the legacy of the book's release.[29] Harron has a liking for darker and more controversial topics, such as Valerie Solanas, but it was the satirical nature of the book that "inspired her film about perfunctory violence and obsessive consumption."[30] As Harron began production, the crew had to contend with threats of protest, as the issue of violence in the media became crystallized by the Columbine shootings. Campaigns against the film continued throughout production, the Feminist Majority Foundation condemning the film as misogynist, and the Canadians Concerned About Violence in Entertainment (C-CAVE) convincing restaurant owners to deny Harron permission to film in their establishments.[31] When returning to work with co-writer Guinevere Turner, Harron felt they were best suited for the job of American Psycho as they needed no hesitation on feminist values, especially after Turner's successful lesbian film Go Fish.[9]
>Although some criticized American Psycho for its violence against women, Harron and Turner made conscious decisions that project the female influence on this adaption. Harron's adaptation of this film changes the focus from purely Bateman's perspective to showcase the faces of the women as "the perspective in those murder scenes wasn't through Patrick Bateman but the women."[32]
tho I dunno how murders being carried through the "faces of w*men" makes it better for feminoids kek

yea, you get the victim's POV, so empowering! You go girl!

Bateman DOMINATES the fucking movie from the opening to the end credits. It's HIS movie through and through.


>Harron felt they were best suited for the job of American Psycho as they needed no hesitation on feminist values, especially after Turner's successful lesbian film Go Fish.
God these "people" disgust me.


Got some excellent female-free movies here:


Anon that is a gay porn website…


holy based the final blackpill


all u uyghas are just gay just admit it


i watched the catalina collection on youtube for the meme factor, since its on utube it has all the gay sex edited out.


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don't forget to buy your flowers betabux


u have to impregnate them and leave them with the child to truly be a alpha


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Chad doesn't have to do anything. He simply needs to exist.


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feminazis, being one of the dirtiest (& frighteningly efficient in their socially collaborative efforts) get the bullet the moment shit's getting blazin'. It is so unbelievable to witness how there's an international sex-racist vocal movement consisted of fucks who propagandize the pricelessness of one kind of humans, & violently portraying themselves as the most progressive ones (churchill moment) while conveniently forgetting about any problems that ail all the other unworthy untermenschen who do not have genitalia in the form of a cunt.
It's plain, & economically racist too, lmao. Shitty uyghurs Uneducated afroamericans get shafted by them time after time, & don't even try to guess what feminazionistas think of proles with pussy characteristics & their problems.

they are so fucking audacious that they claim some marxists as feminists, LMAO. I still remember how one cunt @ some local ML organisation started a witchhunt against me when I pointed this faschizoidic hipocrisy of theirs about Klara Zetkin out. There's not even any place for a question about what side did the other cummie marxtardic normalfucks take in that situation.

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