>>3744>make yourself as disgusting as possible to the opposite sexTotal cuckcel bullshit take which was made up back @ the dawn of the concept of
gender identity categorisation, all for the well-being of the class-based society.
Actual, real existing hymenoids go insane over dick carriers who also aren't faggy insecure about playing with "girly girl" stuff. Only brainraped tradcucks moan that this isn't the case.
>malthusian billionaires who think the world is overpopulatedThe more population you have, the more of it you can exploit in one way (work) or another (military). Even if some billios hold such views on human population they only apply it to the non-first world countries & the poorfags in the 1st ones.
>Socially conservative marxists are called national socialists.No, they were always called patriotic
(so, = national) socialists in the so-called socialist states.
>>3747>long term partnerships and raising of childrenwas always done in social way, not the classoid shit that is the family unit, which is all about raising good state-upholding citizens under private-sourced parentoid tyranny & actual rape of disempowered minors. In this system, a child is not a human being with their own consciousness but merely an investment that should be
formed into whatever way their owner(s) would like to.