>>3467>what about if the fictional woman was created by a man who is a bluepilled beta/omega simp cuck etc?If they serve a purpose by being this way that's fine imo. But it depends on the overall content on the story. Men are capable of writing female characters with nuance, it's femoids who have to turn every female character into an unlikeable girlboss feminist bitch.
>Surely not every man is women-pilled, so how do we know every fictional woman=good?If you're reading bluepilled normie authors that's your issue lol. But I see what you mean, there are some cucked male writers out there. I guess that is a flaw in my assessment, however as a generalisation the author gender rule works.
The truth is that it's pretty much impossible to get a book published as a male writer these days. Especially one that is remotely woman-pilled. Femoid editors are misandrist ideological feminists who censor anything critical of their worldview.