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File: 1692880078437.jpg ( 111.79 KB , 1848x346 , wizchan n word speech.jpg )


how do stop losing wizards to the right?


The fact that he's still so invested in fucking burger pop culture at 30 is more cringe than his n word spam. If he's consooming this hard he should just go full betabuxx.


but why?


If he's this much of a cuck to the capitalist system despite how much it shits on him, he should fulfill his role of a cuck provider for some roastie.


If they're neets it's hard for them to get class consciousness since they're not employed. You'll have to appeal to their hangups and pet peeves and how socialism will resolve or improve their situation.


>guys they can be revolutionary! you just have to tell them how much free stuff they will get and tell them how they still won't have to work and tell them that they're cute and valid and tell them…
incels and neets are just like troons for the right. They demand that the entire organization be about them and in return you get a fat ugly autist to support you in words alone. We don't need these fags we don't need these freaks.


>incels and neets are just like troons for the right. They demand that the entire organization be about them and in return you get a fat ugly autist to support you in words alone
No I think you're actually thinking of leftist w*men. Most incels are workers.


Because the left constantly shits on them for even daring to complain that they have a problem. When men say they have problems, the left points to feminism. I don't know about you, but shouldn't a men's movement be headed by men?


This is dumb and plays into divide and conquer shit. Capitalism preys on men and women in different ways, but, ultimately we should focus on abolishing capitalism. I mean you can do things to mediate in the meanwhile but this seems to be losing sight of that.


It's not about being against feminism. It's about men advocating for men, because as much as you might hate to admit it, feminism is a movement of women by women, and you wouldn't claim that was "divide and conquer tactics," would you?


its common for people to still be invested in pop culture over thirty.

That anon is just going thru the typical prenature midlife crisis one goes thru at thirty




wizchan is now a leftist board :)


kill yourselves faggots


Fuck u


Kick feminists out of the left


post bmi fatty


File: 1725382435382.png ( 58.87 KB , 819x765 , ClipboardImage.png )

Post yours.


you don't. it's almost like Marx was right about lumpens huh?


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File: 1726944554245-1.jpg ( 305.48 KB , 1024x1024 , 99.jpg )

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