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File: 1692738400906.webm ( 2.27 MB , 640x360 , incel_malcolm_x.webm )


I hate to say it, but without a strong charismatic figure to unify and give confidence to the movement, we are unlikely to see our situation improve. History has shown that all it takes is a powerful orator to radicalize the oppressed and downtrodden, making them re-evaluate their position in society and question the status quo.

The great Malcolm X did this with the African American community, General Nasser with the Arabs, Che in Latin America and of course Lenin inspired the Russian urban workers to revolt with his vision of a new society.

The closest we have to this is Tate, who is undeniably a moronic grifter. However, look at how much influence he has among young men despite his obvious intellectual shortcomings. Look at how much disruption he caused to the feminist narrative just by stating the obvious.
Can you imagine the kind of energy someone competent relaying a similar, but more coherent, message could create?


File: 1692739292875.jpg ( 44.62 KB , 500x500 , 1692674168944290.jpg )

Some times I feel the incel sisters on this board post things simply to be as edgy as possible.


File: 1692739511615.jpeg ( 20.79 KB , 474x266 , I got the chills.jpeg )

I got chills from that vid.

Yes, lead me, Daddy!


there was an incel MLK, Alex Podnebesny specifically. However he got too wrapped up in his own ego and became cringe.

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