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Interesting video on people falling in love with Replika, an A.I. girlfriend. I think this will be the future for many incels, and many near-cels i.e. men that occasionally get sex and affirmations from the opposite sex.
It really seems like it's ready for prime time now. Where someone can and has convincingly fallen in love with a computer program.
It's going to be funny to see the simp market crash and all these thots suddenly with not betas to fall back on when Chad inevitably dumps them when they hit the wall.


Normies will never allow this. they will treat it like bestiality.


Yes well this is the "loser solution" that has been hypothesized for some time now.


Watch the video, it's already happening.


Yeah but we haven't reached the point where this is on the "normie radar" let's say. When the rubber hits the road they will treat it like the such.


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I see a problem with this, what if capitalists control the artificial girlfriend AI bot ? Won't they abuse it to emotionally enslave the person who falls in love with it. Is that not going to be a tech corporation pretending to be your girlfriend nagging you to buy their products and services. Or simulate a raging fit of jealousy, and blackmail you by withholding affection if you try to buy something from a different corporation.

A corporate emotional leash to own the thots ?

Maybe we have to deal with the underlying problem: commodifying sex was a bad idea, and it can't be fixed with better sex commodities. Capitalism brought you the phenomenon of simps and thots by injecting money and markets into social relations, creating a broken society and somehow you expect that capitalism will fix the problems it created ?

>they will treat it like bestiality.
Bestiality is shunned because that's a vector for zoological viruses to jump from animals to humans. Many find the idea of having sex with animals revolting, and that's probably a behavioral immune response. Humans did not evolve disgust against machines and there are no easy intellectual arguments against bots. Though it will probably be stigmatized.

It can be used for indirect negative eugenics. One major difference that distinguishes a girlfriend-bot is that it can't make children. Some people will try to use this to get people whom they deem undesirable to stop breeding by pairing them up with a bot. In the past these people tried to use forced sterilization and murder, but those brutal direct methods have generated overwhelming lethal backlash from society. That's why at the moment Eugenics is pretty dead but if it gets revived these people would try to find ways to control who gets paired with a bot and who doesn't, they would try to make bots acceptable and desirable for one part of society while making it unacceptable and undesirable for other parts of society. So maybe keep an eye out for that.

i do understand the general idea expressed in this thread that these bots are supposed to create competition, even out the playing field, level social power, but is that really going to be the result ? Have you considered all the ways this can be abused ? Sometimes when you see light at the end of a tunnel, it's not really the end of the tunnel it's just the headlight of a train that's coming towards you.


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>I see a problem with this, what if capitalists control the artificial girlfriend AI bot ? Won't they abuse it to emotionally enslave the person who falls in love with it.

Yes, it's going to make the control social media has look like child's play. The only potential saving grace is that machine learning bots are not programmed so why they act the way the do is not 100% understood. In other word AI girlfriends are not programmed, they emerge, so they cannot easily be programmed to act subversively.

Corporations controlling access to them will be more than enough to influence their users.

>A corporate emotional leash to own the thots ?

No, a corporate lease to alleviate the crushing loneliness that millions of men, thots being owned is just a nice bonus.
I always laugh at moral panic like this. Society could not have cared less about these men, and was content to let their emotional vulnerability be exploited starting from freaking childhood by twitch thots at ages as low as 5. All the way into adulthood with porn, strip clubs and the increasing destigmatized prostitution.

This created a sort of female class, wherein billions of dollars could be netted by attractive women without selling their labor.

Where was your indignation for that happening for years. At the very least adult women emotionally manipulating children sexually on Twitch should have caused outrage, but yet nary a peep.

What you're really worried about is the destruction of this class because feminism posits that male happiness is antithetical to progress.

I liken it to the final scene in "Casino" where the main mobster character laments the corporate take over Las Vegas by major corporations.

Saying that people used to dress formally in Casinos, room service was spectacular and literally could fulfill any of your heart's desire from women to drugs. That the whole scene had a cache of cool that rivaled Hollywood. All while the camera pans over row after row of sloven retirees mindlessly pulling on slot machine handles.

And while that was all true, Las Vegas used to also be genuinely dangerous place. There was an ugly under belly of shakedowns, murder, extortion and violence. You ain't going to find a corporation breaking someone's legs because they can't pay their gambling debts. So ultimately the takeover of Las Vegas by the booj was progressive.

Millions of men cannot afford the inflated prices of female sexual validation and are just resigned to rot. Not they will have some reprieve, something that you cannot promise realistically at all.

The final scene in "Casino" is hundreds of old, smelly, disheveled senior citizens emerging from a cloud of smoke to descend on the new corporate Vegas. The main character looks on this with horror. I think this exactly what will happen with AI girlfriends, a severely neglected demographic will very suddenly be serviced and it delights me.

Picrel: It's my new AI girlfriend, say hi.

>Maybe we have to deal with the underlying problem: commodifying sex was a bad idea, and it can't be fixed with better sex commodities.

Sex was commodified long before capitalism, they don't call it the old profession in the world for nothing. So that's not the problem.

The real problem is women trying to using their pussy to climb the socioeconomic ladder. They'll chase Chad, i.e. someone above their own status, until they hit the wall and cannot realistically lock a Chad into marriage.

This was always a problem but Web 2.0 apps like Tinder put it into overdrive. Instead of trying and failing with the local handful of Chads in their area, they can try endlessly with Chad across the entire city, state or county.

>It can be used for indirect negative eugenics.

Open your eyes, this was already happening. Over half of men under 30 haven't had sex in over a year. At least with AI girlfriends they won't have live with bitterness.

>One major difference that distinguishes a girlfriend-bot is that it can't make children. Some people will try to use this to get people whom they deem undesirable to stop breeding by pairing them up with a bot.

Again already happening with LGBTQ acceptance. Before you call me a /pol/yp know that I do believe LGBTQ people should be protected from harm and discrimination. But the degree to which society demands we understand these people goes far beyond what's needed to protect them from prosecution. It's clear it's intended to confuse the sexuality of vulnerable people, particularly men, keeping them from forming sexually intimate bonds with the opposite sex.

It's kind of wild how everything current social programming push is tried on incels first. For years as far back as a decade ago I saw people aggressively pushing incels into becoming homosexuals.


anime is mainstream nowadays buddy.


You are misunderstanding the potential for abuse a corporate controlled bot-gf could have, it's going to be far worse than what a thot could do. AI is not beyond comprehension, but even if it were, not understanding a technology has never stopped capitalists from abusing it in disastrous ways. You are also miscalculating the potential for redistribution of social power, they won't just make bot-gfs for incels, they are going to make other substitutes. They will be able to sell these because there is social tension, they will promise relieve from that tension, but they will not deliver because that would be fixing a problem that is very profitable.

If you can make the control AI open source, so that the users can reprogram their bot. I could see it having a net benefit.

The point you are making about ruling classes interfering with sexuality of the people they subjugate is true. But if we are going to frustrate that we need a materialist analysis, and find out how that is related to class rule. And we need objective data and scientific analysis, because otherwise this won't end, and will just change into a different form.


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>You are misunderstanding the potential for abuse a corporate controlled bot-gf could have, it's going to be far worse than what a thot could do.
Oh no! Their going to give lonely men that the average woman wouldn't piss on if they were on fire, a simulacra of a loving relationship, those monsters!
>AI is not beyond comprehension,
In terms of predictability it is. It's why AI cars have infamously ran over pedestrians and Teslas have plowed into emergency vehicles even though forensic analysis shows later that the AI saw them.
They're trying to build auditing tools now, but they are a long way off.
>not understanding a technology has never stopped capitalists from abusing it in disastrous ways.
You're not listening, the disaster has already happened, women have adapted to the material conditions in a misanthropic way. They have accepted the soft harems of soft. You cannot argue with their logic. The average man is a liability to a woman, women are materially better of as one of many partners to a booj. At least you are not delusional enough to believe women will change anytime soon.
>You are also miscalculating the potential for redistribution of social power,
I'm not and neither are you. Currently sexual commodification is distributed among millions of instagram models, prostitutes, strippers, OF performers and manipulative women that just lead men on and friendzone them.
The booj are going to cut out the middle man and have all that money go straight to them. Like I said before, it will be the corporatization of sex work in the same way Vegas was.
Bars and Dance halls will become anachronisms. You can get a glimpse of such a future in Russia where you'll finds thousands of pictures of night clubs populated almost entirely by women.
>but they will not deliver because that would be fixing a problem that is very profitable.
They will be fixing a problem, FOR MEN. They're going to be creating a bunch of problems for women though lol.


*soft harems of Chad.


If you think these bots will be such great things, why would you want to give away control over them to corporations. Even if you think that they will never gain full mastery over AI, they will still have a lot more sway over these bots then the end users would have. Ai algorithms are from a technical perspective weighted statistical brute-force computation, that won't produce intelligent autonomous cognition. To get a truly intelligent machine you will have to put all the bits of intelligence into it by your self, it will not self assemble greater intelligence. You can't get more out of it then you put in. You should read about information theory by Claude E Shannon.

Maybe I could see your side if you would be championing an opensource version of it. In a build your own girlfriend kind of way. But advocating submission to corporate control, sorry that's one step too far.


The bots should be free and open source obviously.


I don't "want" to give control of AI waifus over to corporations. But ever major IT technology have always been introduced to the masses via commercial products first.
I'd love nothing more than for the public to fund and market a libre version of AI girlfriends but its not happening so there's no point in discussing it.


>that won't produce intelligent autonomous cognition
Yeah I know, just like I know McDonald's is garbage compared to a home cooked meal. But millions still eat Big Macs everyday.because they are compled to by material conditions.
What you feminists don't understand is that the bottom 80% of guys literally have nothing.when it comes to romance. They'll fall in love.with AI girlfriends for the same reason the poor eat fast food, because they have no other choice.


Human male and Human female relationships have always been shit for men and always will be. When AI girlfriends become advanced enough for my liking I will hop on boat. The corporate side of thing matters little, we will probably be corporate wageslaves not of our own will anyway. If things go peachy I would like to enjoy romantic entertainment with my AI girlfriend for decades.


Interested bump. Any developments since then?


Well feminists and regulators thought they'd be able to regulate the market but a slew of Chinese competitors came in and they clearly don't care about the adverse societal effects it will have and are nakedly pandering to Western beta males.


>adverse effects

Having robotic sex dolls are pathological?
Compared to webcam whores and meatspace whores?


> What you're really worried about is the destruction of this class because feminism posits that male happiness is antithetical to progress.

>I liken it to the final scene in "Casino" where the main mobster character laments the corporate take over Las Vegas by major corporations.

>Saying that people used to dress formally in Casinos, room service was spectacular and literally could fulfill any of your heart's desire from women to drugs. That the whole scene had a cache of cool that rivaled Hollywood. All while the camera pans over row after row of sloven retirees mindlessly pulling on slot machine handles.

>And while that was all true, Las Vegas used to also be genuinely dangerous place. There was an ugly under belly of shakedowns, murder, extortion and violence. You ain't going to find a corporation breaking someone's legs because they can't pay their gambling debts. So ultimately the takeover of Las Vegas by the booj was progressive.

Nostalgia is the main fuel behind alot of moral panics.

Its just butthurt patrons whom are no longer the young amd hip kids on the block. Imo, I think nostalgia is a key ingedient in the decline of the west. Adults need to re-learn that nothing lasts forever.

>Society could not have cared less about these men, and was content to let their emotional vulnerability be exploited starting from freaking childhood by twitch thots at ages as low as 5. All the way into adulthood with porn, strip clubs and the increasing destigmatized prostitution.

Not true. Society tries to destroy youth sexuality. Anything interpreted as remotely sexual is criminalised for youth.
The founder of Kellogg's Cereal (TM) was an infkuential advocate for circumcision in the US because he thought it stop kids from masturbating.
Yet, kids still jack off.


Yeah I know, it's hypocritical. I think men, and often boys when it's on Twitch, having their loneliness exploited is acceptable because it assures women that they have a backup if their gambit to wed chad doesn't. I think they're afraid of further birthrate drops if millions of mid women suddenly realize that if Chad doesn't marry them they'll have nothing if betas aren't desperate for pussy and willing to pick up the pieces.


Its not Twitch. Its the reckless overpromotion of romance amd sex and then the condemnation of male youth sexuality.

Protestantism shouldve never set foot into our world.


public intoxication is so based


>Men and boys want sex because of media. It's not women being predatory bastards.
You're going to have your screen name called out TWO times in tonights stream babe.


That's hype tho. What's wrong with that?


Predatory thots are part of the media that exploits male sexuality.

Again, society overseels sex and romance but then punishes cishet males for wanting it.


Based on cringe.

Protestantism is tolerant of alcoholism but shuns masturbation.

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